6k QM matchs, 48.9% win rate across roles, nice algo blizz

If I were to play in a 5 stack I definitely would expect everyone to queue random just so the match isn’t completely one sided. Can’t imagine what kind of enjoyment or fun these guys gain from spamming their pool of 8 heroes in total for thousands of games.

Just look at ther average game lenght, it’s a complete circus. Try comparing these two against a same level of opponents, here you can best see the effect premades have on randoms.

27min - 2952 vs 2851 (struggling despite enemy Uther being by FAR the worst player lmao)

4min - 2938 vs 2866 (quitters at start, wouldn’t be surprised if this happened much more frequently)

Both are extreme examples but otherwise the game is over in time for level 16 or much earlier.

One thing I would dislike about my suggestion is not being able to test out weird comps though. That’s one of the reasons why I like QM. For some teams to try hard standard comps is just like so weird to me.

Weird comps is what premades mostly play and their entire approach is first to single out individuals and proceed to win by brute force once they gain a level lead.

Communication is essential but sometime they’ll invest too much time hoping to catch a single player at the cost of everything else. If you must let them have one single lane don’t panic, just outpush the other two. They aren’t as focused on multiple points of the map at the same time so capitalize on spreading their attention because they’re already wasting a lot of time traveling around.

Well, unless you get put on a 2 lane map, then you can immediately give up. These are small and allow quick rotations and this isn’t something randoms can keep up with unless someone shows initiative to mirror camp timings perfectly.

If you weren’t the anti social loon looking to be the lone hero that carried the team maybe you wouldnt need to cry about how the mean 5 man premade kicked your butt.

Sad and pathetic.

Huh didnt think QM used mmr at all tbh. Thought it was just make a game as fast as possible try to sort the first 10 that queued up as able but dont do anything beyond that.

I only wish Hots had launched with more robust LFG features. The chat channels (mostly cesspools) and the LFG tick box is insufficient for those who don’t seek out discords.

I agree that of course players should be able to group in QM, or any mode for that matter, as Hots is a team focused game. However, I do have some sympathy for those who just don’t have the time (or their friends aren’t online) to find a group and then are steamrolled by the rare skilled 5 stack.

Personally, I would much rather play vs full 5 stack teams, than play with a 4 or 3 stack. In my experience, the latter grouping tends to trend toxic, or forget they have solo players on their team that can also contribute to the team.

^ ^ Yes, because it’s NEVER your fault, right? You might wanna look in a mirror first before being so quick to shift all the blame on your team mates.

Edit: Also i’m Gold ranked, not Bronze :sunglasses:

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<user deleted this post, you should report this post for trolling>


^ ^ Yet more pitiful excuses and blaming others. You’ll never get better like that. Step up your game, take responsibility for your mediocrity, and resolve to be better.

Or keep losing.

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<user deleted this post, you should report this post for trolling>

And why dost thou think he is wrong? Or why dost thou think that those who complain are incapable of admitting their own mistakes? When one player is right and the other 4 are wrong, it also happeneth quite often. I will even say more, practice showeth that most often just one person is right, and rest are wrong. Because the majority play worse. Otherwise everyone would be by GMLs.

That’s the problem here, that even at 55% ye will not be able to rise due to the fact that victories will give ye less and less points. Ye need a huge win streak for the system to finally start giving ye more than 200, not less. And as I already said, even at 48% and 55% ye could stuck. I had 55% and above for quite a long time. And guess what? I did not even get to 3 gold with such a win rate.

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You mix up vegetables with fruits. @Op talked about QM. So you coming here and talking about ranked means nothing.

But if you want to talk about HotS ranked, you don’t lose more points than win once you left Bronze 5 (actually Wood 5-1), unless you play in parties. Feel free to provide proofs that claim otherwise.
If someone is at 55% wr, they cannot be stuck. Unless if that 55% is a decrease, and because it decresing due to the inability to climb further and starting to stagnate.
Plus “55% wr” based on how many matches? Like 10 is basically nothing.


Oh yeah, I completely forgot :slight_smile: I got carried away.

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That’s such a weird accusation to put on Blast (pun unintended) considering that’s what you’ve done in the past. Being low gold is also not “good” like you so often espouse about your domination. By that definition, that puts you almost squarely smack dab in the average camp. You’re a one trick that does okay in QM when playing that one hero, which for one tricks isn’t really all that impressive.

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Yea, the game does feel rigged. From my experience the game has a tendency to just put some player who is worth like half a player (does low dmg or dies constantly) on your team in more than half the games. Therefore, you queue again hoping you win the diceroll. It’s funny how my opponents are 5 solid players usually but I always have the guy who can’t play. Then if you do get an even match you always have those few broken heroes in ARAM on one team or the other. Heroes you can just spam damage in the general direction of the enemy and do well on.