6k QM matchs, 48.9% win rate across roles, nice algo blizz

this is why HOTS QM is garbage. it’s all fake and manipulated to make sure no matter how many games you play you always have a 50/50 win/loss ratio.

this creates a situation where you can play game after game and not win because blizz puts in bots that cheat to prevent you from winning to maintain that ratio almost perfectly. if you have a winning streak get ready for sad times to come until they allow you to win again.

why am i still playing this game?

do people have the same issue in ranked?


Eh? 48.9% winrate is not 50%. In normal math, one can argue they’re close enough, but if you know HotS numbers, 48.9% is miles below 50%.

Not gonna go into details, as I don’t much like talking about what that means, so to say.

Either way, props for 6k QM games.


The fact is that there are not only literal 50% but also figurative ones. These are “one-goal” games with a difference of 3-4 levels, in turns. In other words - “a swing”. But literally it doth not have to be 50%. It could be 48% or 55% too. In such cases people also say that they are stuck.

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I had seasons with active climbing where my winrates were between 55-80%. But if you are not better than your mmr range and won’t climb, you’ll have a non-artificial 50% chance to win, and if you play a ton, this will tank your overall stats.
Also, if it’s all Roles combined, I wonder how you perform with them separately, because maybe you could climb if you’d stick to your better performing roles.
But obviously, after a point you reach your heights again and start ro stagnate.

Dunno why you think you should win more if you cannot even maintain a 50-52% wr tho…

(Sidenote: I know it’s QM)


If you are mostly playing solo then having 49% winrate is fine. I got 16000+ games played on my account and got 51% winrate solo.

You are not going to have 60%+ winrate which I think you think you deserve but are not good enough to get it.

Game is based on matching people with both low/high mmr together into both teams so both have a fair chance of winning. Only exeption is when game takes too long to find cause a groupe of high mmr players que into a game together. Then it just gives them a game vs the next team it can form out of who are queing up.

And even if the game was matching based on winrates then you would still be in that % zone aka 50% cause your own skill caps at that % unless you much better then the average qm player.

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Yeah always listen to your gut. The algorithm has been corrupt for many years, just the way the company operates. Unfortunate considering how fun the game can be.

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The goal of the algorithm is to find others as close to your skill level as possible, to create the most fair match. This would result in you naturally having somewhere close to a 50% win rate over time.

what y’all want is to be able to solo-queue and stomp forever. That will never happen unless you are the top 0.1% of players, which you’re very likely far from…


To be fair, you probably shouldn’t be caring one iota about your win rate in QM. Just have fun with the game. Don’t be afraid to play some hero you don’t know how to play and try new tactics and strategies you haven’t tried before. You’ll probably not win more then you lose if you do so but you’ll find a wider range of fun then if you go balls to the wall why so serious with it.

At the moment I have a 70% win rate in QM but that fluctuates as my mood changes and how try hard I want to be about it. At the end of the day it’s no big deal since you can just jump into a new game to try again.

You understood it incorrectly. The goal of the matchmaker is to make sure both teams have a 50% chance of winning, not forcing players to have a 50% winrate.

Basically the matchmaker will try to find people with similar mmr and put them together, generating a 50% chance for both teams. Once you start winning, it will match you with higher mmr people, and that’s why you might start losing, because you are not at their level and in theory is the one bringing the team down. Here’s a simple example:

You are silver and everyone on your match is silver. You win 3 games and get to gold. Now everyone on your match is gold, so the level of the game is higher, and if you aren’t at gold level skill yet, you will probably bring the team down and lose the game. This isn’t the game forcing you to have 50% winrate, it’s your own skill level forcing you to. You won’t keep being matched with silvers forever because you are literally climbing ranks, and it takes a while to get to their skill level unless, of course, you’re naturally gifted.

Now, because of the low population, people playing in groups, hero choices (for qm), it’s hard for the matchmaker to make an actual fair match where both teams have 50% chance of winning. Also, the matchmaker can’t know who will troll or will go afk in a match, which will also mess with the results, and nowadays a lot of people just troll or go afk for no reason at all. That’s why a lot of matches feel unfair and you may feel like “the game” is forcing you to lose or something. Keep in mind that sometimes the afk is on the other team and you don’t “feel the game forcing you to win”, but you think because your own skill.


Most of my games are 3-4 levels apart. There are no equal chances.

oh it’s the “algorithm” that’s keeping you down and they have to ‘cheat’ to do it.

Clearly blizzard has figured out how to remove free-will and everyone else is complicit in this system to force a 50% winrate and your ability and deductive reasoning has managed to solve the mystery. Congrats, you did it, and you did it before anyone else could.

Blizzard has patented the process so that all other games in the world, past and future, all suffer from the same means that force all other mortals to have a "50%"winrate.

when people are bad as something and don’t know how to improve, they tend to fault any and everything that they can. Unfortunately, that sort of conduct pretty much slaps everyone in the face whenever they pick up a new game which is why time and again, we get frustrated and assume the universe has to be cheating.

The explanations are generally simpler than people are willing to consider, but they’re looking for validation and not how to improve their prospects and understanding.

When everything is “epic” mundane, then it’s everything else to blame.


Thats most like not because of mmr but bad team comps. If your team dont got anything that can survive the other team then mmr means nothing.

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You know that this is entirely the point of a MMR based match maker? To keep you winning ~50% of the time by matching you with and against people of your skill level.

The HotS AI is abysmally bad. Even Elite AI almost never wins, and only wins if literally multiple players throw and you happen to not have one of the instant win against AI heroes on your team.

If this sort of underhanded mechanic did exist (it is unlikely to), then it would be more a case of putting the AI on your team to skew the game in your enemies favour than sending you free kills and somehow you manage to lose.

If you suspect “cheating” is happening, then you might want to provide some evidence to support your claim. Cheating is very rare in HotS and cheaters usually end up removed pretty quickly.

A winning streak will cause your MMR to start to increase rapidly. This in turn causes you to be matched at a higher skill level. If due to luck you end up winning games above your skill level, you can end up being left above your skill level for several games meaning your chance to win will be skewed below 50%.

Losing streaks have the opposite effect.


The gut is notoriously wrong lol. And the OP is a perfect example why, as if Blizzard just has an army of bots to pair you up with just lying around to make your life miserable. As if they would intentionally make their algorithm needlessly more complex and screw up the queue by tracking who has been winning and making sure all those who need to win and need to lose get on their respective teams. Man, even coming from you, this is such a low IQ post.


Bad people will believe whatever conspiricy they make up to fit thier narrative. There are 0 reasons why a big company like Blizzard would program bots to keep you low as possible when you got people like Fan and other streamers and ordinary people who climb to GM every season without maphack that some on this forum claim they do.

There are people on this forum that has climbed to master multiple times so why are they not been held back ? Thats because its a YOU problem that he sufferes from.

If he cant climb then its because of bots and if others can then they are cheaters or people using map hacks.

Thats how low thier self awareness is.

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So what?

I have over 7,500 QM games played and have a win rate of 51%.

Unless Blizzard has ACTUALLY STATED that they are trying to get a 50% win rate for QM everyone posting above is just pulling “facts” out of their posteriors.

And even if Blizzard stated this 5 to 7 years ago, it’s still meaningless. Based upon my last 2 months of play, any “rules” that Blizzard has for QM have gone out the window ages ago. They don’t even try to match an Abathur with another so-called support hero.

I had a match today that had 2 tanks and an Abathur matched against all assassins. That just goes to show how chaotic it has gotten.

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(user has deleted thi

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No I’m pretty sure this game expecting me to main tank as XUL, SOMEHOW, is actually the reason why I lose most QM games as Xul actually.

I think this is another extention of should-healer-solo/off-lane-if-need-be debate. In short, debate was about if you as a healer should soak off lane yourself if none of your teammate does.

My opinion was no, you shouldn’t in that debate. I would say the same thing in this, no, you shouldn’t tank as Xul in QM.

What does it even mean to tank in QM in this context? It more or less means acting as a frontline. I say you don’t necessarily need it (if your team doesn’t have a tank, so doesn’t your enemy). Other than during obj of course.

It’s such a waste to put Xul in 4-man. Either stay solo/off lane (in large map) or double soak (in small map) and let your 4-man bombard the leftover lane, forcing enemy team to do the same (which, not many solo laners can double soak efficiently, putting your team in an advantage).

and then you lose every single team fight in the game because you are your only teams Melee, and they have 2 mages and also a Thrall and Sonya