5 stacks is kinda killing the fun for me

I was ‘‘fine’’ with the not so great matchmaking because I alway thought ‘‘well, ennemy team have a bad player or will most likely have a bad player next game so it’s fair (somewhat)’’. Queuing with a friend for duo ok I get it, it’s cool and still somewhat fair. I mean it’s not impossible to beat.

But 5 stacks just make frustrating/not fair games, and it happen often a good number of times in a row. I was alway doing fine as a solo, but I really can’t do much vs 5 stack who are in audio together, doing wombo everywhere and getting 4 level lead.

I think it was possible to make it fair before, because 5 stacks were fighting high mmr solo players to compensate. But I think now, the pop is just too low. I guess the game is still fun when you play with 4 buddies, but for the solo players like me, who have been there since the beginning, the games just feel like plat fighting pros gamers. I’m sure ennemy team don’t even have fun after a few games, must feel like easy mode games.

I dunno, maybe a break is needed for me, but I feel like the game is more unfair than ever :expressionless:


This topic was kinda done to the death, solo vs 5 stack has like one in ten thousand chances of happening.

The stats were posted by analyzing a big number of games and seeing how the party sizes played out (replays save party size data).

Full solo vs4 or 2vs4, or 2vs5 stacks happen more frequently but that isn’t full vs solo at all.


If this topic happen often, then it mean a lot of other people have similar problem and reaction.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m playing really late, but I get really organized teams vs novice players who attack lvl 9 vs lvl 10 and dive 2v5 to the immortal outside of our walls. I get these allies vs teams who keep doing wombo with medivh, Gaz, orphea and stuff.

I’m fine with novice players if ennemy got some too. So it’s either 4-5 stacks or the matchmaking is way worse than ever.

I don’t see how Solo vs 4, 2v5 is really more fair tbh.

This study, if it’s real and well done, has been made 10 months ago, things can change and get worse really fast.

This is also in SL only. QM players have right to have decent fun too. (I play both).

Yes, this is actually a reason why you can get matched more often as solos vs 5 stacks. If you play during non peak hours where the player population is small, it will increase your chances of being matched vs a five stack.


they either can’t fix it or won’t fix it . and it happens way more than people admit.

Just give up. They will never fix this problem. You will get a full 5 stack who probably has at least 3 different ranks in their group (gold, plat and diamond) cause they boosting the diamond to master while you will always get someone who afks, ignores soak or just feeds.

Blizzard wont fix match making so we cant do nothing to support them.

I thought I’d add my own pointless anecdotal evidence here. Recently I was playing in off peak hours and I had 2 games back to back vs 2 different 5 man stacks. They were quality matched and my team won those games.

One of those games we even knew the enemy team was a 5 stacks as they were all sporting identical Valla portraits. I’ve been on the whipping side of a very coordinated 5 stack yes, but I’ve also had crushing defeats with all solo’s vs all solo’s.

Those people I see so many times. Its like they want to tilt or mock people when they go 5x same portrait.

But funny is I had one day where I where up againts a 5 stack full of trolls that gave up after first object and then just mounted up the toy mount and made a full circle on the middle of the map. So we could just do what we wanted lol while they had thier fun with the toy mount doing nothing but let us have a fast win.

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I must say that even though we were 5 randoms, we crushed that 5 man team. We all commented that the 5 identical portraits meant a five man stack, nobody gave up, our team actually discussed our strategy for the game before the gates opened. This was QM! Often you don’t even get that in ranked.

I honestly reject the idea the majority gave up when you could see groups on the load screen. I almost always had the reverse of that were a team would try harder to win and play more carefully as they knew what they were up agasint.

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