~114 minute Battle.net login queue

Beat that, mates.

http://prntscr.com/nyzd50 … here we go again

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483 mins… what the hell is up with this?!

Someone is getting fired. :rage:


this is a good time for people to make excuses over their 1v5 deaths say it’s blizzard’s fault Kappa

528 minute wait here. I haven’t been productive all week long and I refuse to start now.

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mines 550,rediculous

Is this America only? I was able to log in without issues on Asia.

its going down :smiley:

I’m at work, so it doesn’t affect me, but I got up to 657 min after reading this thread. They’ll figure it out soon. And before / after anyone goes all up in arms, This sort of thing is covered in the terms of service. They’ll be back.

mine just went from 600min to 10min. something is happening.

It let me into the launcher, but it still won’t connect so I can play any games.

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same. feelsbadman T.T

Yeah i can only go onto the launcher in offline mode.

Well at least i can still play SC2 in the meantime, just not coop commanders.

There’s always other platforms. Anyone down for MTG Arena? ;D
I could be in a couple hours

On EU server we are getting mass dc and huge lag spikes so we are someway hit too.

Battlenet is back up, but HOTS not.

Maybe one of the 800 people they let go knew how to fix this…

Update, we are online!

Lol I’m so glad I wasted this entire day making a level in a modding tool for some game I like to play a lot.

Would have been torment waiting for in queue to login for some games lol.