10 things low ranks people do that are bad

Rexxar doing boss at 7 is more like a Hail Mary.
It shouldn’t work.
Its mostly only attempted because you’re massively behind.
If you’re able to force an opening where you can do it, then it’s not cheese.

And if your opponent leaves theirs open, or you just killed a couple of them in the middle of the map, please for the love of all that is holy TAKE THEIR CAMPS.


With my smurfing days 1 year ago (I dont smurf anymore) I went from gold to plat doing a lot of cheese like butcher and full AA stitches.

I did the bosses at alterac and braxis with sonya or rexxar solo.
I just wrote hey can someone fill while I do boss.

Only got caught twice but lucky for me my teammate wasnt sleeping one time. The other it got resetted

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  1. Not running around Butchering everyone

Play champions that they personally are not good with just because it counters something or is the best draft fill.

That is what always annoys me the most.


I once replied to an guy in OW if you were heisenberg. He had the roadhog butcher skin Guy ignored me. When I asked if it was you Where you that guy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just realised I forgot one that gave me the idea for the thread.
Sometimes you can better loose the obj and defend being all alive.
It worst then being dead and still loose the objective. So if you know your gonna loose it. Dont engage. Dont even poke
Learn to trade. Do bosses or camps in the meanwhile


This should be copied verbatim and placed on the load screen as one of those little blurbs they put up there.

So many games I’ve lost with people who doggedly obsess over an objective that’s wise to give up and would also give no value. Such as if the enemy has no tributes on Cursed Hollow, no need at all to contest that when your team is behind.

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If only we had loading screen tips would be awesome but then good tips instead of
Press the fountain to regain health and mana


Nah I’ve never played Overwatch, not due to disliking the game but because I am beyond useless at FPS games in general LOL

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Sometimes the opposite, by overextending. Greymane initiating fight with wolf form on full health enemy, ETC forward sliding with no team follow up, Rehgar thinking he’s a bruiser, etc.

You have it wrong: they do camps when they have time, i.e. when they just wipe the enemy team!

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This only applies when they aren’t on BHB, then they never do camps at all and try to constantly team fight.

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One other thing you might like to add Ana (this is present in my Platinum matches too, I know not a high rank) is the idea of trading structures.

So many times I’ve been on teams where they notice the enemy team (at any point of the game) pushing a structure on the opposite side of the map. Most times it will be impossible to cross the map and get there in time to defend the building. I’ve often found it hard to convince my team to destroy one of the enemy structures so at least we trade. This always irks me.

I understand there are times when you must back to defend the core, I’m not speaking about that scenario.