10 game losing streak... what is the deal?

Matchmaking is atrocious in this game, I mean it. I have lost ten games in a row, most being blowouts. I’ve played my best characters, new characters, tried everything under the sun and I just can’t pull one out. At this point I’m seriously considering moving on to another game. What is the point in competing in a game that you just can’t win at. Quickmatch is officially broken and unranked queue’s are far too long with way to toxic people to make it fun. At this point I don’t see much point in remaining.

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I figured out a long, long time ago that if I’m losing a fair number of games in a row, it might be an indication that I should take a break for a while.

It helps me be refreshed and level-headed.


More randomness there is, your skill can matter less. QM does have more randomness so.

And there does seem to be that day from time to time. No, not necessarily HotS MM trying to screw you over, but that day, that time you decide to play for some hours, similar skill players as you just seeming to be void, hence you’re stuck with 'how in the heck some players can be this bad’ players. I know, I know, ‘it is the old cow’s notion that she never was a calf’. But still.

My experience is that, that day is not everyday. So calling HotS MM broken is still somewhat farfetched imo. And you seems to be a healer main. More stuffs are out of your control so.


No offence but you forgot the main thing that this game is all about.


Why so many people thinking they can win the game as a solo carry by playing good. Blizzard made this game to be around team work not solo. No matter how good you are you’re alone and you can’t win the game by yourself
(Unless you go custom game 1vs1).
You have to relay on your team mates. Regardless of them being good or bad.

If you like to win games because you think you’re good and others doesn’t matter then you should change the game.

Now to answer your question.
Yes the Matchmaking is not good, yes the 50% win ratio is not great experience, but Matchmaking is not responsible for players who select their favorite heroes and refuse to cooperate by choosing a hero that would give the team a slight chance to victory.

As well as why people are just stuck up in ARAM Mode every time. Chasing senseless kills and force fights with talent disadvantage and not soaking lanes or helping the team

(When needed. Example the Solo players who soaks but not join their team to fight the enemy team. Result is always the same. Their team got obliterated over and over…
Then the vulgar language and treats come immediately.
Frankly either you get angry or laugh when that happens)

Even the most advanced computer technology ‘Yet’ can’t predict what humans will do.

For me the biggest issue here is people. To find a good team and to play exciting match against great enemy team in Storm League is extremely rare.

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this happens from time to time, which hero were you playing? I run into 10 losing streaks a few times a year.


I have all your answers right here:

It includes loads of anecdotal evidence and logic as solid as JELL-O in the sun.

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You will not get answer this forum. blizzard forget this game and devs doing everyting to unbalance every match. Every one is or very easy or not posible to win 1v5. 90% community on forum they 30%winratios and they will do everyting to tell you thats is ok, just for play with you to make them 35%

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It shouldn’t be too frequent, but it’s essentially a coin toss. 1 out of 1024 you get a streak of 10 wins and another of 10 loss.
I had a 11 win streak once. Didn’t complain. :wink:

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Pretty much I give an answer to the topic.

As for the auto generated numeric percentage that you write doesn’t mean it’s true.
The same can be said for players.
At least give evidence of those claims of yours.
(Even if you show evidences of x games of bad play by random people that’s not the whole Heroes of The Storm community.)

As for your post it’s a legit spit on people who do spend their time to give answers that are useful unlike yours

Losing streaks exist in every game, it won’t matter which game you play, you’ll eventually go through one. However, you’re not wrong with the MM of this game being bad.

Unranked is dead. It’s basically QM,Aram, SL or bots.

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tbh, it is not about taking a break. most games’ match making system were designed so that sometimes even if you close your eyes or play only with one had, you will still be able to win.

and the odd of losing 10 games in a row is abit… fabricated. try to do the math of losing 10 games in a row using 50-50 win-lose percentage

and most of them dont understand how extremely rare it is lol. my highest streak is 15 games if i rmb correctly.

Dont expect nothing from blizzard. they done good games in 0 copies.
Here is advanced script to make everygame unbalance.
I play draw match only when I have 3000mmr and my alies 100 each then together 3400 vs 5000 opositive team.

Every qm match is unfair. In future we will play normal team like: tank healer bruiser 2 dps vs 5 random roles like 4 healers. now 50% qm matches system treat Rehgar or Stiukov as tank, so you can not expect too much from developper like that… Blizzard just want us to leave this game.

Since minus and minus is plus in mathematics does it mean expect everything from Blizzard? :sunglasses:

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Blizzard won’t give him win streaks for free, only forced 50%! I guess that makes Blizzard egalitarians?


Sorry Minky, you’re wrong here. Blizzard can give him winstreaks for free, he should just play the game and be good and then he gets winstreaks, because Blizzard doesn’t charge him for his winstreaks. :stuck_out_tongue:

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SO if somebody is totaly uninteligent and he loss 99 games at 100 games (1 win because lucky 3afk opositive team). then blizzard must do someting to force him 50%winratio…
I dont understand why… why they doing everyting to make community full of low inteligent people…

I guess you never heared of the “customer is king”-rule, even though it’s basic economic 101. But narcisstic players tend to ignore everyone else, because they put themselves into the centre…

I guess extremely unsubtle irony goes over your head? I was saying there is no forced winrate, it’s not a sensible position. I’ve seen players with extremely high and low winrates and many in between that.

When it comes to QM, winrate means even less, as you can’t use rank (or winrate) to guess at what someones true MMR is. If you made the argument that they should make MMR visible to all of us in our profiles, that would be one thing, but you’re arguing conspiracy theories about matchmaking and MMR that I have no time for.


Winrates should not mean anything for you unless you are a smurf playing in a winrate farming 5 stack with players 5 leagues above you.


Indeed. It’s always looking nice, having high winrates, but in the end that’s just numbers, nothing else.

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