Zilliax is still too strong

This card is used in many decks and is still meta warping. I would say at this point it has far too many abilities to balance properly . It’s combination possibilities of attack increase or elusive, shield, lifesteal, rush = its mind boggling. One man band is the only thing that comes close to it and it has strict requirements to get its full value. Could you imagine one man band making a copy of itself too?

Many people probably think the card is fine and i’m just whining. I can imagine them writing their little snappy messages. That is fine if you can tell me any other cards in the game that require you to put so much effort into clearing that it can take up to a third of your deck to fully deal with the resurrected copies.

It’s Hearthstone in 2024. It needs 9 mana. If you play 9 mana it should waste the resources of the opponent (if you play 10 they should say “oh no…”).


The problem is that it often comes down on turn 5-7 with extreme consistency.

The board presence of this card can not be compared to any other card in hearthstone. Especially with druid and warrior being able to bring out early. They then follow it up with more of them several times.

Brann warrior - and don’t say that not a lot of people play it, because that is not the point (no i am not angry about this - i hate bad game design) can bring it back even more times with the 7/7 battlecry.

There is an outcry whenever rogue is able to pull off something like that, or when mage will otk you before you can blink. Why does warrior and druid get to do this so easily compared to other classes?

so is playable…that not a"problem"
after they changed the cards to make themr esurrect different minions i havent seen board filled with zillax as often

did you?

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yes. yes i do.

zilliax out on 5.


the mech guy you pops out 2 more

then more again with hydration station.

a selection of 6 warrior cards for board control plus reno, boomboss for 6 card (which potentially destroy 18 card on its own) and their armour gain make it really hard to contest the board and deal damage.

it’s a really boring playstyle and i don’t get it. Surely a better playstyle can be developed for warrior.

the card is just fine and you are just whining.

the card is inherently designed to be modular and fit in a lot of decks, its’ no wonder that it has a high pickrate when its’ technically like, 256 different cards (realistically picking strong options its’ like, 12 different cards)/

the change to boom and hydrations station sunk those decks to tier 3 /4

yes zillax is fine

The only Zilliax that is busted is the one being played in Paladin and that’s because Paladin somehow keeps escaping widespread nerfs to the class. When they play them you have exactly ONE chance to respond or you are lights out regardless of current health.

Of course it’s not the Zilliax in the deck that is the problem it’s yet again Paladin having cards overperforming on normal cards that are getting stats they shouldn’t have.

Dude Warrior isn’t even in the top 23 decks in the meta. It may be a problem in bronze where you’re at or something, but Zilliax and Brann have already seen nerfs. There’s plenty of decks way stronger.

This card irritates me. I don’t see anything fair about it.

Interesting. No one has wait to name a card as robust or sticky, or popular.

It’s annoying but it’s still very stoppable even before the nerfs, royal librarian was an answer to it for a minute but nothing seems more effective than board removal hero cards. Just tried conductivity into hex, apparently elusive can save you from it.

Having a nearly dead card in hand praying to stop 1 card is bad. The worst part is that it does not stop it from being resurrected. It is a band aid on a gaping open wound.

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Those paladin decks are barely tier 4 this patch among people who netdeck optimally. They instead play Pipsi/Holy Pala now. It has a higher skill ceiling so it won’t be seen much in the lowest ranks and it’s probably not extremely good even with high skill but it manages (unlike the popular pala decks nowadays on the high ranks).

I don’t know. My D5-Legend run was full of Buff Paladin playing Zilliax. I didn’t have much trouble with it but had they survived a turn it would have been 30+ next turn.

Because it doesn’t need a nerf. Go check the stats on this deck. It’s not even top performer. So what are you blabbering about? XD

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Alright señor! I apologize about the conductivity suggestion, the correct sequence to shut it up and ignore the res complaint was royal librarian into hex. Transform > Destroy

It’s still in like half of the decks in standard, which is nuts.

The game would be better without it.

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We rarely agree, but this time I think you are spot-on. The card is just another Swiss Army knife that does way too much.