Zero confidence in the devs

1). Mercenaries is failure
2). Duels is a failure
3). Twist has been handled and developed terribly. Twist may be a failure after June. June Twist is going to be premade decks?!!! In a format which should be providing alternate ways to use old cards? Most Tavern Brawls which include premade decks are terrible. Whoever is in charge of Twist should be replaced now—it would be the best thing to happen to this new format.
4). There are so many badly designed and balanced cards in Standard, I don’t want to play the mode.
5). Wild has always been a dumpster for broken cards, despite several promises to provide balance to mode.
6). Battleground Duos sucks. Casually playing BGs when other modes suck is something that I do on occasion, but I will have to wait till Duos is gone.
7). Arena is heavily impacted by a lot of cards which break the the mode. Arena is often a haven for me when everything else in HS sucks, but too many Arena games are a waste of effort, because too many loses and wins are determined by some broken piece-of-crap card that should not be in the format.

These days, no matter the mode, HS is providing a sub par play experience, and it gets worse with every new expansion. The devs do not know what they are doing, and while I might still hope that they fix HS, I have zero confidence in them to do so.

I really feel like HS needs new vision, and I think that may only happen by replacing people with the crappy old vision, because they create more problems for HS than they solve.

Currently, HS is not worth spending a penny on. It’s not like HS does not have the potential to be better, but I do think the current devs do not have the potential to make HS better.

/rant off

I think you can tell that I have given up on the devs. I am going to start appealing less to the devs to improve HS and more to those who can hire better devs.

The sad thing is that Mercenaries and Duels weren’t even failures. They drove them into the ground with incompetence. The speed Mercenaries died was shocking.

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It was good for the players, but a failure for the devs. They couldn’t continue trying to balance it with a limited crew working on HS. So, yeah. Failure.

Yes. But the new Twist with premade decks looks dang fun. It’s creative and does use cards in your collection in order to have the decks. I like the idea.

Yup. But they are actively working on that. Will be getting another balance patch before the new expansion hits.


This is the best game mode in the game imo. It’s insanely fun. If you don’t have a friend to play with, I don’t think it’s fair to call the mode bad. It’s ridiculously fun.

Everyone should boycott Arena imo.

Honestly, you should have done this a few years ago.

My bar is set so low for them. But I enjoy Hearthstone, nonetheless. I just wish the team was better and more creative.

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I agree with everything you said because Hearthstone has been in a downhill spiral since the old god’s expansion because got a taste of randomness and just keeps pushing it. That sorry if I offended anyone but think the mobile market killed Hearthstone they abandoned PC players for mobile gameplay. E-sport is a thing of the past now who wants to watch that trash and surprise anyone who wants to join it RNG mess?

It’s always the same thing. Why can’t hey just play test better? They have two years to do so! It’s like every month you are just fighting against broken things, waiting for stuff to get fixed. Either fix it before release or wait longer for changes, cause it’s like you’re playing then it’s a totally different game in the same season.

Wow. It’s like I could have written this thread:)

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The problem is we don’t know if it’s a developer problem or a management problem… Or…

I would agree with most of your poibts except one: Wild meta is broken despite of many peomises it’s going to be fixed. Hell no. Team 5 policy was to not to touch Wild at all if possible. So yeah.

I think it’s a management problem. There is no limit to their greed.

It’s impossible that the whole dev team is so incompetent.
Either they do this because they have to or they just try to kill the game seeking revenge on the company.