Zerg need nerfs!

If I play a card that changes their health to 1 and their health doesn’t change it’s problem.

The problem card is Infestor and letting DK either spread it’s deathrattle to adjacent minions or to let them trigger it twice. It would be better if it was a battlecry or change the deathrattle to read “When you play your Zerg minions they have +1/+1 for the rest of the game.”
That way they can be effected by health changing cards and reborns do not come back as 8/8’s.

Edit:I just did some testing:
-Silence doesn’t get rid of the Infestor buff
-Shadow Chord: Distort won’t kill a minion if it has an Infestor buff (spell will bring it to 0 or less attack, then buff will reapply, then spell will check of minion has 0 attack) unless the spell will bring the minion’s health to 0.
-Spells and effects that debuff attack (Serenity) will be permanent
-If a spell or effect were to cause a change in a minion’s attack or health, then the Infestor buff will be applied if it didn’t have one before. ( I silenced a minion that didn’t have the buff and it’s stats increased)

all can be seen from this replay: https://hsreplay.net/replay/KHPQaEXLRtrwh6vQji7vzE

Infestor needs to be nerfed tomorrow!!!


You should use silence


Not a bad idea, but to be fair the OP has a point, in the sense that silences and silence-like effects are a minority in the game while damaging effects are about 80% of the defenses in the game.

It might not be a bad idea to move the game next rotation closer to silence-like effects for defense, if they are not OP at least (i.e. not Renos).

Zerg are totally fine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just Play Silence… they have nothing to negate Silence like Deathgrowl, or Yodler, or generate Random Infestors.

Ok, when they don’t Draw Infestor early, they lose to many other Decks, but with an early Infestor +Reborn + Deathgrowl etc you can Just Concede an Play the next Game.

ah yes the multitude of silence cards available to me like:
Deafen - single target
Overzealous Healer - targets self
Purifying Power - Targets my minions
Royal Librarian - single target
& Bayfin Bodybuilder - 5 mana minion, you can play this minion the turn you die


Silence is not that effective, suppose if dk has 3 mana, played location by turn 1 and clicked it, turn 3 infestor into location activation followed by horn of the winter + zergling and death growl guaranteed at least 1 deathrattle being triggered if dk has no board prior to that.

After playing 3 factions I do have to admit hearthstone team did a good job capturing the signature playstyle of each StarCraft factions.

“zErG iS fiNe” - LOOOL

“jUSt plAY siLEncE” - LOOOL

No zerg is not fine, needs a nerf.
No, silence doesnt help, 4 mana single target silence? You die 3 times before you make any impact.
Besides Infestor, Viper is also very strong for 4 mana, Kerrigan is very strong and Queen as well.


having played with and against many zerg dks its pretty all in deck u dont get infestor on board and triggered by turn 5 ish u lose most likely… u did get it on board and triggered by turn 5 ish? u most likley win…

id much rather play vs zerg dk than another dungar druid or now the new hot ticket protoss hero power druid tbh.

atleast vs dk u can win once they do some Shenanigans ofc this depends on ur deck obviously but i played against them many times playing various decks like tempo teran warrior, hydration station warrior,discover zerg hunter,protoss priest ect i also played many games as zerg dk all 3 variants of it if ur gimmick doesent work fast enough u lose either to inifinite armor and photos ect or just out aggrod lets face it without infestor zerg dk is hot garbage plain and simple.

honestly the best and funnest zerg deck is discover zerg hunter it has game vs everything and multiple win cons depending on matchup or situation just tequirs more thought on ur turns is all.

a deck with a 70% win rate is a problem. You can change Infestor to not be a problem and still be viable (see above). The main problem of Zerg is the Infestor buff is a constant on board buff that cannot be dealt with. You can clear the minions but with reborn the stats do not change, and you can’t use health changing effects to decrease their health or attack since it will be reapplied after the spell resolves.

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It’s an aura effect, so using silences doesn’t remove the buffed stats, you should still use them to remove the reborn or other such things.
A similar effect was the reward of the first Rogue’s quest, and it was nerfed to dumb levels thanks to the players crying about it, it’s even banned from their wonders un’goro trash mode but since DK it’s their new golden favorite boy I doubt they’ll fix somethin fast, bunch of hypocrates.

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That’s hyperbole. It’s not 70% and at the top of the Ladder the old school Grunter hunter is the best deck currently. It absolutely DUNKS on Zerg and Shaman.

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Just quit. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

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nah spend more money instead are you a quitter?

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The only acceptable nerf is that Zerg no longer exists

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