Zerg is too strong

I almost always lose vs zerg. I might get 1 win in 10 against them if they have bad rng, but I’m guessing now. I usually play with Terran though, which might be a poor counter. Anyway, when I switched to zerg I instantly got 3 wins in a row, and I had poor rng the first game.

The most OP parts are of course the permanent buff of minions, and the 2/5(usually becomes 4/7 mid-game) that gives a minion at the end of turn. They also have the 1/4 that gives reborn. You have to remove those minions asap, but it’s hard with so much health early game, since most cheap spells do only 3 damage.

To make it more balanced you could nerf the health of these minions by 1(more mana cost is overdoing it).

This will also create a necessary nerf to Kerrigan, who has too much impact on the game, if you take the summons and hero power into account.

I know Raynor can have a lot of impact as well but it depends on how many parts you were able to get out, and focusing on that early makes you vulnerable to face damage that can only be regained if you are lucky with rng.

I think Terran are quite balanced as far as control decks go, but when it comes to shaman, their ability to utilize bloodlust with their big board is insane. However, it doesn’t work against that well against zerg, because their goal is to overwhelm the board.

I know a new expansion will be released this month, which will change the meta, but it might be the case that zerg competes with new decks, so we might see a nerf to prepare for that. Not only to zerg, but to other powerful cards that would make the new material a less attractive choice.

What do you think?