I had Zephrys in my hand at 0 mana (discounted by shadowstep), I played it with my opponent at 9 health. The discover effect didn’t show Pyroblast to win and I lost the game because of that.
If you need I have the screenshoots.
Please fix.
Did you have ten mana? That’s an important detail to leave out.
Yes I had 10 mana. Making some research maybe I undertstood why: it was because my opponent had a lifesteal minion on the board and the alghoritm took into account that my opponent most likely would have healed himself within the next turn. The bug, of course, is that I had the mana to play pyroblast on that turn because I played zeprhys for 0 mana.
then this is a situation where a screenshot would be very benficial for the devs to figure out what didnt work as intended with zeph
Here the replay of the match https://hsreplay.net/replay/5N2wtcLJsxCD7Nwu4CLA6c
Turn 28
Looks like another case of this:
He thought you’d send your 1/1 into the Reliquary Prime when tallying up potential lethal. It’s a known issue, and Blizzard is working on a fix for it.