Your teammate has left

Getting this way too often now

It would be nice if your partner leaves let’s say before turn 4 that you get their health added to yours etc

Something that would make you stay and compete

As it is you are most probably going to finish exactly we’re you would have if you conceded and didn’t waste 20 minutes doing so

I’ve actually beat the lobby on my own with demons. I got extremely lucky with rolls etc

Oh and has this happened to anyone?

My buddy conceded at the start and on turn 2 his hero power overrode my power

So I was stuck with their power

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when a teamate leaves they should let us take control


Try playing your board and letting your teammate play theirs; I’ve had way too many interactions where teammates think they are playing both boards. No one wants to be micromanaged.

And I’ve had teammates leave on turn 1 or 2 without a single ping being sent by me. Could be phone app still glitchy?

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Phone app is terrible for duos; no idea why they released it. You can’t send pings and becomes one-sided.

Well, I’m just saying with how glitchy the desktop version was on release, I can only imagine the app.

Phone app works fine. I accidentally launched a duo instead of regular game, and it was my first time playing that mode.

We ended up winning, though I did make a few mistakes not understanding exactly how trading worked.

I had no idea you could “ping” tho. What’s that?

Use two fingers to click on an item to ping it.

Like someone said, hit a card with 2 fingers, it’ll work.

This. The game absolutely requires this. 95% of duo games have at least 1 person absent.

For context, I’m on this thread right now because I’m in my 3rd game in a row where my duo partner is a no-show.

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yep 2-3 people leave some times if the don’t like their choice of bosses, their partners choice, the choices of minion types, the weather outside? there’s no reason for them not to with the min rankings right now. let it drop to 0 or let us block people from being partners ever again.