Your Best Craft

My golden copies of Conjurers Calling :smile:

Come at me.

Justicar Trueheart. Genn. Baku

Golden N’Zoth.

Fancy Finisher.

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My best craft is Star Craft





Now go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done.


Crafting Lakkari Sacrifice. I now have something to keep me entertained if I ever go Wild.

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Bloodmage Thalnos easy. If you don’t know what to put in, you can always slip him into your deck and you can’t go wrong.

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Golden Valeera the Hollow

Golden Whiz bang bang bang

Gral, The Shark. In golden.

I regret nothing.

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Golden Nzoth. Been in my collection for a good two years after Hall of Fame dust rotation paid out. Has been a staple in many of my wild decks. Definitely paid itself off.

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That’s what I call a “baller” craft. Nothing like a big azz shark doing a chomp animation to strike fear in the folks terrified by the jaws movies.

Myself…I want to say my golden Undercity Huckster. He’s not a legendary. But I really do like him as a 2 drop for rogue. His entrance an attack voicelines are also awesome.

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MMmmm This month it is Oblivitron
Last month i would say Zuljin and
of all time i think would be Nzoth

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Same here. This was early days, but it felt slightly nerve-racking knowing you were spending 1600 dust on a 1/1 when there are big boys like Rag and Ysera vying for attention.

But man, what a great card. No regrets. It’s seen a lot of play over the years.

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N’zoth all time.

golden Genn for my one and only golden craft (free craft because of HoF refund); though, I did DE normal Genn for the 400 dusts profit (already got a lot of dusts to begin with and normal Genn came from pack).

Blingtron, definitely Blington.
Not a competitive card, but after all these years still my favorite.

Dr boom v1, it won hundreds of games alone.

Mecha’thun, Zilliax, Azalina, Gul’dan, Awaken The makers (Priest Quest), Tarim.

Neutral: Malygos, Harrison Jones and of course Zilliax

Class: Whatever you enjoy.

I don’t recommend Wild cards tho. If you keep crafting newest and future standard cards then you may not need old Wild cards any more.

My dear baby Gul’daniel.

First legendary I ever crafted, and the only one I have heavily consider dusting and recrafting in gold, but haven’t quite got there yet.