Your Best Craft

My best crafting decision was probably Leeroy Jenkins. What about yours?

Zilliax or Tirion






Golden Rafaam!! So many unforgettable wins… and losses!

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Definitely golden Whizbang

Golden Hakkar obviously. It kept me entertained all through RR

In all seriousness, Golden Hagatha and Shudderwock were easy day 0 crafts for me in Witchwood and I get use out of them both in Wild (Shudderwock more-so) so those were probably the two best crafts.

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my best craft?
Alexstrasza Or Malygos or Ysera would be tied, for how good they always been as cards generally for fun and top decks for so many years.

Unity. Precision. Perfection.

I will hunt you down…forever.

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Lyk I hate to sprinkle salt in the wound but I unpacked gold both of those.
I haven’t played shaman since Totem Golem gave it a bad-curve-out highroll mulligan-name, but your writing has inspired me to give it a go.

Yea, Hagatha and Shudder don’t cheat out mana around T4/5/6 so that means unplayable in wild if not aggro, but who cares about winning over playing a normal, functioning non-highroll to win deck right?

My best craft was Gold Madam Goya since the art looks so cool. And cooler art / way harder to use cards are always cooler than some meta card that wins matches yet everyone expects you to run in your deck, have in your hand, and then play. non-surprise is not the way to go.

Jade Shaman isn’t unplayable in Wild. It is a decent tier-3 deck. While the deck can’t aggro out it can guarantee a kill through Jade generation + 2x Loatheb battlecry from the Shudderwock. Would I climb to legend with it? No, but I do think it is tier-3ish. There is also a new Shudderwock psuedo-OTK deck in Wild that Tempostorm ranked as tier-2. It basically uses Corpsetaker + AoE + Lifegain to stall the game out and then endless waves of Shudderwocks to eventually win with. It doesn’t use Grumble so it can misfire but you have 3 (I think?) bounce back effects so it isn’t likely to misfire.

Lyk - I wish shudder would play the battlecries of all those cards.
I would find a way to repeat like 10 battlecries that make some form of a complete sentence for your opponent to hear…regardless of their effects. That alone would be a ‘win’ for someone like me.

If all else, making your opponent listen to my favorite Mana Addict’s “I can taaaste the Mana” like idk…20x or so would be like too sweet. Well, there’s many other close-contenders…such as Bright Scout’s “Oh…OH!” going on repeat.

When I crafted all the murlocs long, long time ago and got that reward.

Crafting golden Glitter Moths, Gloom Stags and Genn/Baku, then dusting all of those plus the copies I already had when they were HOF’d.

Golden DK Valeera. She has been a key component of so much memery for me.


But more recently, Magic Carpet. So much synergy with my 2nd fave card of all time, Hobgoblin, that I have Carpet Rogue, Hunter and (now) Paladin decks. They tend to be a bit more aggro than suits my taste, but so much fun to play!

E: sidenote - my all time fave card is Shadowcaster, so synergy there as well :wink:


the VALUE!

20 characters

Baku and Genn were my favorite crafts. Spent a lot of fun time building decks. Then when the Hall of Fame came, I re-crafted them in gold, plus the odd/even epics, setting me up for the next few expansions. They were my economically best crafts.


The Lich King and Zilliax. According to my records, The Lich King was the first legendary I crafted, and I got much use out of him putting him in all sorts of decks.
Zilliax I crafted Week 1 of Boomsday, and has also proven to be useful.

Leeroy Jenkins is also up there for when I decided to take Odd Rogue past Rank 5, I did not need him prior to this.

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Was beaten to Genn/Baku. I made Genn first in Witchwood when I decided what “camp” I wanted to belong to, then said screw it and made both. Made a sizeable number of decks with either, and while they may not have all been favorite decks, the mileage was just tremendous.

But alright, if I gotta pick a second, OG Dr. Boom. 7 mana 7/7, creates two 1/1 Boombots. Speaking of cards that got mileage, this guy went in almost every deck of mine, from Force+Savage Druid to Handlock to basically anywhere he’d fit. Yeah, he’s not seen NOW, but given the use he saw back then, I have zero regrets crafting him.

Edit: Honorable mention to Subject 9. Not my most used or my ‘favorite’, instead being my most “spot on” craft. Had a deck I wanted to counter, had a deck idea, needed Subject 9, crafted, deck idea worked at a high ranked level. Bonus, even got to play Secret Hunter with it, which was a meta deck, sure, but fun too.


You get nothing from crafting extra golden copies if you already had the normal ones ;).

(example: you have 2x epics = 800+200=1000 dust; you craft and disenchant 2 extra golden copies = -1600+1600+800+200=1000). The only difference is that the 800 comes from disenchanting the golden copies instead of given as compensation. So you just get the joy of disenchanting golden copies as your only reward for crafting them :).