The lead Dev on a tweet from yesterday, “Velen, Archimonde, and Kil’jaeden all ruled over the Eredar people on Argus together as a powerful triumverate (tldr; they were homies). So I made sure they all shared the same 7/7/7 statline to show how equal they are!”.
This is of those “BUt It’S tHe ExPaNsIOn’S ThEmE!” Cases.
Is this like a thruple situation?
I share the sentiment when it comes to designing cards with a ‘form over function’ mentality; which is something this designer in particular seems to indicate often (I have called this the r/customhearthstone design mentality in the past). However I think this example is largely irrelevant. 7/7/7 is a standard statline and all 3 textboxes are similar in power-level and value.
Yes but, it shows the mentality. And it’s not certain that it’s irrelevant since various decks rely on stats on the board even if it looks archaic to care about it; stats help everyone anyway; many games are decided on the last 1 point of damage etc.
Hey at least they can be consistent when it counts. Dr Boom was always a 7 cost 7/7 even as a hero card. (Replicator-inator not officially counted)