You got your wish

Why do you like Wombats?

Forgive me, @Paf, I don’t get the joke. :frowning: I Googled ‘Hearthstone Wombat’ and found Wombat Warlock, but I’m still clueless.

I was assuming you were about to say big beautiful wombat :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, haha! Wombats. :wink: Big beautiful women, silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly my prediction for these rounds of nerfs is that warlock is going to remain tier one or at least high tier two. They’ve stated that there’s going to nerf multiple classes and try to slow down the meta and that can only mean good things for warlock when they often use fatigue to their own advantage.

There’s also a lot of room for experimentation with warlock builds in a slower meta, warlock has lots of control tools that aren’t being run right now because the meta is so fast. Will warlocks start to run Jaraxxus again? Will Neeru Fireblade be somehow useful (LOL)? The future is unwritten.

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If they ban/nerf demon seed in wild, they most certainly need to address shadow priest and hunter in wild and possibly even quest warrior in wild. Those all became big due to quest warlock, but even heavy control decks aren’t faring well against them. Before the expansion wild was at least a good mix of combo, control, and aggro. Now it’s pretty much just standard with a spattering of some wild cards as they’re running a lot of the same deck types.

And yet people will still be getting whooped by Warlock and crying for more nerfs.

The only thing that will appease these unskilled forum posters is the complete removal of the Warlock class.

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I doubt there will be any major changes tbh, just small tweaks. Except to priest.

There’s no point investing in a class that is going to be nerfed / banned and left for dead until the next set of broken cards are released.

I’ve not played for over a week and haven’t been tempted to either, the current meta is a shambles and not I’m convinced it can be fixed whilst the new quests exist.

They’ve finally convinced me to uninstall.

I think just less Warlocks on ladder would be a start! At the moment it feels like 25% of my games are vs Warlock and that’s boring.

The class just has too much synergy making the downsides of powerful cards into upsides. I think the Questline is an existential threat to the game because it invalidated a whole playstyle ( attrition/ control decks) but they don’t want to nerf the Questline because that’s the centrepiece of this expansion.

I hope they rotate all the Questlines early, otherwise we’ll be stuck with them for another year!!


Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure the next expansion will have hero cards for everyone that will be even more power creep than questlines!



Lol! That’s the problem, if the only way to move on from Questlines is to print something even more busted then we’ll end up with 5 turn games and nothing over 4 mana playable, which is too fast imo.


Oh yes, I can see it now.
3 mana hero cards!


Warlock be nerfed to the ground? Nah, that won’t please the audience still. Watch when they complain about something else. Sure let’s make the game unfun by nerfing things to the ground.

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Agree. No matter the state of meta, there will be one deck with higher win rates than the rest. True balance is impossible with ten classes. Even if there are just two, Yin and Yang, or chess, whether you start first or not makes a huge difference and there cannot be level playing field.

Once warlock is nerfed, players will cry for another deck to be nerfed. This forum has never had one day where no one was complaining about something.

I tend to disagree. Alot of control tools died due to Questline Warlock existing so they will come back. I was able to beat(at least to a decent level) questline warrior with a control priest deck. Also Shadow Priest really only existed because of Questline Warlock being there, and now without Illucia it will be even worse. Shadow Priest won’t stand a chance against Reno decks with decent draw.
Now I agree the problem will still persist because of Questline Shaman, Questline Mage, Questline Hunter, Sword of the thousand truths(if it will be played alot even if it dies hard to aggro lol, I’ve sen alot of them tbh). But for sure it will be a healthier place to play without Questline Warlock. It won’t be as good as before UiS, but it will be better after the nerfs.
Also we should consider Shaman is also getting nerfed(let’s hope hard enough) so maybe Secret Mage will keep Questline Shaman and Questline Mage in check(Secret Mage being so popular when the meta let this deck to breath).
Questline Hunter will still be a main problem IMO. Maybe Secret Mage will manage to keep this deck also in check thanks to alot of in-hand burst and Counterspells? Or maybe Reno decks have enough healing to beat it? Not sure, didn’t try it yet but maybe.

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Then why don’t they do that? Every single “patch” since outlands has been a complete joke that never actually addresses the real issues but they just let it keep happening.

unfortunately, this encourages more whining by people which will then result in ever increasing changes.

I am actually not looking forward to secrets mage and rez priest and control warlock making a return to the stage, even though i have a secrets mage deck. Got bored of it. Been this stale meta for the longest time before UiS came.

Well… wild is not the place for people that hate stale metas and love the change.
Wild is the place for the old decks of time, it’s supposed to be stale. In the moment people can’t play the old decks because of new decks dominating them completely, then is something wrong with the game(or with the new cards).
I would never recommend wild to someone that wants an ever-changing meta and playstyles, because the format wasn’t designed for this in the first place.