Yogg-sarron. unleashed is bug DONT PLAY HIM

yogg-sarron. unleashed is bug DONT PLAY HIM he will freeze your screen that you cant play any cards, hero power, cant use his 3 ability or click on any cards to attack or anything cant even end turn even after he dies you still cant do anything.


This is part of the Known Issues.

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Yogg-Sarron is also buggy in Battle grounds. Will prevent minion refreshes if you get the knock off wisdomball.

Regardless of if it’s a known issue or not… I JUST lost 3 games in a row to a situation whereby, I played YOGG, and the game froze for the next 2 turns and then my opponent played it on their turn and delivered a lethal blow on their first turn with him… how tf is that fair!! :rage: :roll_eyes:

they discovered why

Choose One/Titan cards softlocking the game is caused when you mulligan one away and then draw and play it later


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the game crashes when I play dungar, if yogg saron appears I can’t use any skills and it crashes

so isnt just when you play it from hand it happens when you mulligan and summon from deck too

that’s right, when you summon yogg when playing dungard, the game crashes