Yogg master of fate WTH?

I have this card in a deck I play a lot. I’ve thrown it out about 20 times now. Why the hell has it landed on Rod of Roasting only once??? The wheel has 6 choices to land on. Its landed on Devouring hunger about 8 times.

What the gell is wrong with the RNG in this game?

If I have a six sided die and throw it 20 times it will not come up with the same number 8 times!!!

Your sample is too small. Professors of Statistics traditionally say wait for at least 40 or 80 samples.

20 is too small; do 3 times that; it will start being more confident at statistical significance.


taken from the wiki

  • Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate’s Battlecry casts randomly one of the six spells in the Wheel of Yogg-Saron
    Only Rod of Roasting has 5% chance to be cast, while all other spells have 19% chance.

This isn’t speculation either. The devs outright told us thats how the card works in an official statement. So one rod out of 20 casts is spot on.


Very interesting!! Thank you for the information . I thought I was losing my mind

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RNG is…

a) exactly the choice you want
b) random
c) potato salad
d) a totes real conspiracy out to get you n only you

How intuitive game design /s. They say it officially once sure, but then everyone else joining the game (or just not paying attention for one patch) they get confused like the OP and me.

I beg to differ! I’ve never once gotten potato salad from RNG!


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The illusion of a pattern only truly becomes apparent when the battlecry is spammed multiple times in the same match, or as you said, when a large enough sample pool has been obtained. Whether it’s chaotic tendrils, The wheel, Zephyrus, Flint Firearm, or OG Yogg himself.
From personal experience, it seems for every 2-4 random spells/wheel spins that are beneficial to the current situation, somewhere between 3 to 5 spells/spins in the lineup you are almost guaranteed to get a “bad roll” with the 5th fling always seeming to be a stinker any time I see someone casting random spells willy nilly.

Of course this is just my own personal experience, the numbers may be different for other people, but as the only person brave or foolish enough to shudderblock OG Yoggsaron and somehow still be alive afterwards… Those were my documented results from doing the same thing expecting a different result multiple times in quick succession.
Also I feel the need to publicly yell at Flint Firearm for giving not only me but 4 other people I’ve witnessed today the way too expensive 5 damage worm as his first allegedly “random quick draw”.
5 times of CONSISTENT bad Flint rolls really makes me have to raise an eyebrow.