Yet More Rogue cards for TITANS: Mechs and Keeper Mimiron!

I called it! Mech Rogue! This is how Voltron Prime will work, lots of Mech Tokens and Magnetize.

Mimiron’s Gadgets are basically better Spare Parts:
Mimiron’s Coolant: 0 mana, the next card you play this turn costs (2) less.
Mimiron’s Cloakfield: 1 mana, Give a friendly minion +3 Attack. It gains Stealth until your next turn.
Mimiron’s Switch: 1 mana, Choose two minions. They swap stats.
Mimiron’s Horn: 1 mana, Give a minion Taunt and Divine Shield.
Mimiron’s Rewinder: 1 mana, Return a minion to its owner’s hand.
Mimiron’s Blades: 1 mana, Deal 3 damage.

Now if you’re paying attention, those are REALLY GOOD. Prep for any card, Stealth for Voltron Prime to keep it or Mimiron alive, Switch can effectively delete enemy giants and turn your mech tokens into giants, Horn can let you make great trades, defend yourself, or make an enemy minion easier to attack if it’s behind taunts, a ONE MANA SAP, and the boring Blades.

Mimiron is definitely a build-around card. That and Voltron Prime are crazy good. Next…

Lab Constructor is heckin expensive, but note that on turn 10 you can combo it with Voltron Prime and get two Titans. Other than that, this is an agonizingly slow play in what will probably be an aggressive tempo deck. Forging seems like a weird choice for Rogue since it’s 2 mana to do nothing when they normally do infinite things for 2 mana. But having two or 3 perma-stealthed Voltrons is good.

Coppertail Snoop actually has a premium, aggressive statline and won’t need to be magnetized. It also can get slapped onto a turn 1 or 2 play to generate instant value. Very good.

Pit Stop can tutor your Mimiron or Voltron Prime. Auto-include.

From the Scrapheap will fuel both Mimiron and Voltron Prime.

Overall, seems like Rogue got a great infusion of cards here that will probably see tons of initial play as people feel it out. Not sure how much Combo and Mech will work together, but we’ll see. The Sparkbots and Mimiron’s Gadgets, Gear Shift, and Tar Slick are great Combo activators. Disc Jockey, Beatboxer, and MC Blingtron are all Mechs.

TITANS has Drone Deconstructor, Invent-o-matic, Mecha-Leaper, Tram Operator, XB-488 Disposalbot, and Flame Behemoth. Festival of Legends also has Frequency Oscillator and METROGNOME. If anybody can use Metrognome, it’s Rogue.


They’re decent but they lack a Win condition.

Basically those cards are all about create that one gigantic magnetic minion and sincerely…

That is weak no matter how many cards you create for this.

One thing that could make this work is basically mana cheating one the magnetic side like:

1 mana
Magnetize a random mech from your deck into a mech on the board.

And metrognome is stronger on decks with low mech count. That way it can be draw by tram operator and activate itself with the discount.

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Blingtron + Astalor + Bounce Around is a perfectly reasonable win condition that hasn’t had a good early game to enable you to survive until you make the play. I’ve used it plenty against slow decks since FoL launched. Mimiron’s Gadgets give you even more ways to apply pressure to enemy face or bounce your minions back to hand.

So far it looks like another expansion of me playing rogue less. Sigh.

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Mimiron looks really good.

I don’t like that there are too many options/dicerolls.

A few of the rolls are godlike and some are generally trash.

5/5 Star Power as a standalone card. I don’t really want to go Full Mech. I guess with Pitstop, a small mech package might be worth running, maybe it’s not though.

Lab Constructor looks cool, but I don’t think it will end up working in the end.

It’s good vs a lot of decks with all the mana cheating rogues does, but I don’t think it goes hard enough vs Blood DK/Priest that are allowed to play defense the entire game.

2/5 Star Power.

Coppertail Snoop probably sucks.

3 mana 4/3s is the worst “normal” common statline by a lot.

Too often this will do nothing or too little, it’s really the attacking part that is too hard, more than the statline.

0/5 Star Power when hard run.

Hopefullly Pitstop is worth it with Mimiron and the new Shuffle Card.

4/5 Star Power as a standalone card.

From the Scrapheap looks really strong.

It looks too highroll/lowrolly too.

5-6/5 Star Power.

I hope Mech Rogue is fun for people who liked Stormwind Quest Rogue. I think it will just die to Control decks though so. :person_shrugging:

Quest Rogue was amazing for beating Control decks, actually. You’d slam Scabbs by turn 6 or 7 and win with Stealthed minions. This can have the same strategy with a burstier top end.


First, save your rogue cards because nerfs are incoming.

Second, this looks awful.

Much like the problem with Menagerie warrior. If your whole strategy is based around winning through minions you are SoL in this pool of cards. You will get removed right off the board regardless of having stealth or untargetable. It’s a cool idea but it needs more.

It’s the same reason mech mage couldn’t hold it’s own against the best decks. That deck also had shark and a colossal to push to face with indirect damage and fell short.


Hundred percent agree, they made all minion based strategies with limited resources** non viable as long as blood dk and control priest exist with their nearly infinite clear.

I don’t know what they are thinking, but they are giving rogue another dead set it seems, rogue players can look forward to another drab year or more, although this year will be even worse because more miracle rogue cards will rotate, and that seems to be the only viable playstyle rogue has.

** The reason I leave a footnote here is because it’s possible to still beat blood dk or control priest consistently if you are minion based AND you have near infinite end game threats. An example of this is relic DH, they get their first ten or twenty threats removed from board but eventually they just generate more end game threats, thanks to cheap card generation mechanics, than blood dk or priest can hope to counter, even with their own cheap card generation gimmicks. Sadly, rogue in the tempo minion style clearly pushed by these mech minions squarely falls into the limited resources minion based deck which happens to be a non starter as long as they let the ultra greedy blood dk and control priest exist with their insane amount of removal (both discovered and not.)

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Not exactly, magnetize has always been a pseudo charge mechanic in it’s strongest form.

What I mean is, if you play a deck with very strong magnetic minions, and your opponent leaves even one small mech token on your board, that’s an invitation to use the token to convert your magnetic minions in hand to face damage.

This has pretty much always been the strongest aspect of the magnetic keyword, and I’m surprised you don’t understand that. There have been entire metas in the past where mech Hunter has dominated exactly because magnetic acts as a pseudo charge.

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Well, now we know the reason The spider mech isnt permastealth, and its because of Lab Constructor.

Mimiron looks like an insane card I will say.

Squirrel mech seems bad.

Pit Stop is targeted draw with a buff, could be used to target draw the prime, or even One Man Band in a Menagerie Rogue.

Im surprised From the Scrapheap is 2 mana, I feel it could probably be 1

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Being honest here, I think the Rogue package from Titans is great.

Little sad to see Rogues not think the cards will be good. They get a Tutor! To discover there really good mechs. They can use the x2 different mech’s that put a 1/1 mech in hand to get value for board, legendary popoff, an obviously the Combo Mechanic.

I think Rogue’s really have some sweet stuff. An I hope they brew with this, cause it’s not something to be sad over. Great cards.


I have no idea if they will work, but unlike DK and hunter, I’m very eager to try it. Lot’s of fun things to do with the bounce and combo packages.

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I didn’t notice at first but Lab Constructor activates every turn. If you stick that on Voltron Prime and it doesn’t immediately die, your opponent has a huge problem on their hands. Can space out Stealth activators and use the defensive Titan ability to make it work.

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Lab constructor looks a lot stronger than people think imo. I’m genuinely scared of that thing. You get a copy of the entire magnetized minion at end of turn and they both must immediately be removed or that’s pretty much game over next turn.

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I am so apprehensive about this expansion. I feel like the current problems are only going to get worse. Is it foolish to keep hoping this game will ever get better?

That’s why enrage warrior and hound hunter are doing so great. Both decks can push for tempo but have enough burst dmg from hand shenanigans to kill control.

Which seems to me that bdk and control priest are something like a gatekeepers for minion based decks.

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When even Jalexander thinks they are bad you know Rogue is in trouble. They are just not very good.

I think the first step for the game to get “better” is literally the devs of the game admitting there is a problem.

From the latest patch/balance notes they have this to say:

Dev Comment: The Standard meta is in a good spot right now, with a lot of competitive options across most classes. We’re making this adjustment because Whomper is the biggest sentiment outlier in the format. We considered a handful of other cards that could have gotten small adjustments, but decided that it would be better to let this meta play out for a while.

The key is

The Standard meta is in a good spot right now

Implying there is zero impetus for change. As such, believing change will come about is a fool’s errand, its more likely things will break more from where they are now, and the devs will “work hard” to “fix” it back to today’s “good spot”.

You’re kidding.

I’m not saying these cards are good or not; I think they’re a tough read, but JAlexander rarely thinks the rogue cards are good enough.

I think these definitely have potential and could pan out. The control match up might be tricky, but rogue has lots of value generation.