XP Bar Goes Up Too High And Crafting Costs Too! P2W!?

The dust cost for Hearthstone is too high while the rewards are too low, this prevents Hearthstone from being a fun free-to-play card game. The game feels like a pay-to-win game with how expensive crafting cards is compared to disenchanting.

  1. The experience bar for the rewards track should be capped at 1500 once you hit level 50 and stay that way.

  2. Crafting costs should be cut in half, especially for legendaries. 1600 dust for 1 legendary is too high. I’d say 800 dust for crafting a legendary is fair considering disenchanting a legendary only gives 400 dust.

  3. The experience gained from completing achievements needs to be higher considering how much grind it takes to complete them, and older achievements should also give experience points.

  • Oh, and we should get separate rank rewards for reaching a certain rank in standard and wild, rewards should be individual, it makes more sense. Hearthstone will probably gain more players and Blizzard will get more money if these 4 points get addressed.
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i agree, lets make things better!

I hope Blizzard can add these changes to the game, cause dust cost is making Hearthstone a p2w experience.

The only goal being looked at is how to increase their bonus pool.

Baby necro aside, it’s really fast n easy to earn gold n get dust from spending that gold, also seems like a single digit % of people at most know what P2W means lol smh

It’s subjective if it’s easy; scrap that; it’s subjective if it’s even POSSIBLE. E.g. I may want to swap around multiple decks of the meta; those are mathematically impossible to get on f2p (there’s no time to get the dust/god); are you going to tell me how that’s easy when it’s practically not even possible by playing 24/7?

PS I’ve lost count of the times people say “it’s not p2w since you could win with a free deck”; that’s a flawed argument; more decks is choice and choice is power and power is winning and winning with paying is p2w.

thats the neat part

the game has always been p2w

I want to be like “you can’t just add ‘thats the neat part’ in front of everything you say, that’s not how the Nolan meme works”

But then you’d probably just go Talladega Nights on me. Like “yes I can, it’s in the Geneva Convention”

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I don’t even care to know where the source material for it comes from, because the memes are the only thing that people take away from it I guess