Context: New to the game as of a few weeks ago. Peaked Diamond 10 last season and am currently struggling HARD in Plat 3-4. I play Rogue and Demon Hunter.
Literally what is the answer?
They just go face with everything and their life burn tools are so efficient it actually works. What is the answer? Why does it feel like a lost game whenever I see my opponent playing a Hunter deck?
I have to imagine there’s an answer to this that I’m just not clicking with, or Hunter would be higher tiered in the meta.
I think it’s just a bad match-up. That’s a growing problem with Hearthstone IMO. There are many matches that are very polarized and sometimes there’s not much game to be had. For example Mage and Rogue have not much if at all good healing and/or Taunts. Especially if you just want to have fun it can be pretty rough.
The best you can do is run neutral options like Khartut Defender which can be quite good I’d say. But to me it just makes it more boring and it might not even be enough.
The other day I played against a Face Hunter and I got super lucky getting two Antique Healbots from Cybertech Chip. But guess what! It wasn’t nearly enough. Imagine if I would’ve run two of those as tech cards against Face Hunter…
I personally just accept that I’m going to lose against those hyper aggro face decks. Except I play my Healadin deck, haha! But then the Huntard doesn’t stand any chance… smh
As Rogue - just load the board with lackeys (given the right time, which you’ll need to figure out), get a swing turn with a Witchey Lackey or Faceless Corruptor, Bamboozle or similar - Titanic Lackey and Shield of Galakrond also help. You’ll want to be chipping at their health - so while they might get you low, you’re getting them low as well and the Hunter has to play defensively.
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Hunter is higher than Rogue in the meta.
You need to create a condition where they lose the race to the face. A big Edwin, an uncontested Hanar, a big healthy taunt, 2 fat Legendary minions from crown, etc.
And you need to know their breakpoints for dealing with those things (Unleash the Hounds, Kill Command, weapons, etc). Basically you have to out smart them.
As DH, all I see is the DH going face and ignoring my plays when I play Hunter, but I do play Highlander which is the slow Hunter.
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I joined almost 2 years ago when Witchwood started and I’ve only ever been to Gold 8. What’s your secret?
Rouges are a big dog against hunter current, mainly due to a lack of heal and armor, so not much you can do there unfortunately. As a DH you should be favored against hunters, at least if you run the current tempo meta deck? Basically it’s a dps race and unless the hunter draws the nuts, you will win that.
vs hunter and other aggressive deck you have to play for tempo and through that force your opponent to make trades instead of going face.