The Wretched Queen shouln’t be targetable by Imp-oster.
Almost lost me a game because i couln’t tempo out the Imp-oster.
Blizzard plz fix
And thank you for keeping this game awesome slight_smile:
The Wretched Queen shouln’t be targetable by Imp-oster.
Almost lost me a game because i couln’t tempo out the Imp-oster.
Blizzard plz fix
And thank you for keeping this game awesome slight_smile:
Why couldn’t an imp be targeted by an imp-specific card ?
I’m sorry to say that getting out tempo-ed by an 8 mana card in wild means that you have bigger problems to worry about
The Queen is a demon, but there’s nothing in the card name or text that suggests she is also an Imp.
Why do you say she is an Imp?
There are a lot of minions that are imps without having imp in their name
The wretched Queen is an imp
It’s like asking how I know a human is a human despite their name being George
Cause I have eyes
I suppose the rotund body and bat-wings are a visual indication.
yes, that’s exactly what some imps look like. there are many types of imps - small, big, thin, fat. there are many types and races of imps
If you’re trying to say that Imps do not, and should not, have a consistent visual appearance, then how on earth is one supposed to tell when something is an Imp?
So, for curiosity’s sake, I decided to look into this. Because the only one I knew off the top of my head was Envoy Rustwix. To sate anyone else’s curiosity, here’s the list of Imps without Imp in the name: (Warlock) Tiny Knight of Evil, Vulgar Homunculus, Unlicensed Apothecary, Envoy Rustwix, Opera Soloist, Ring Matron, Wretched Queen (Neutral) Street Trickster, Sneaky Devil