Wow already getting tilted with expansion

What gets me is that everyone thinks they should be in legend like their favorite streamer is when they don’t have all the cards like they do and aren’t as good as they are. If they don’t have all the cards it’s because the company screwed them over in some way.

And we have a couple people who won’t be named who have made it their mission almost everyday to post about priest being “ridiculous”, for example and their opinion on what needs to be nerfed.

I think HS has never been more RNG based than right now, maybe because I played survival of the fittest kt druid mostly so far.

I can beat you for first day tilt OP.

Game 1 was victim of the end turn bug, so conceded on turn 3.

Next 4 games, playing Even/Spiteful Hunter, managed to draw 3 of my 4 spells before turn 6 every time, and all 4 once with lots of hero power passing… half the deck is 2 drops, HP pass probably half the time before turn 6 over 4 bloody games. That’s tilting. No more HS that day.

I can beat most people for first day tilt.
Turn 1 mage studies coin mage studies Solarian
Turn 7 Solarian Prime into BS
in almost every arena game against mages.