Wow already getting tilted with expansion

First two times I use steel dancer I get a 5 cost 1/1 blood herald and then a 7 cost brann, first time I use Janice I get the 0/3 deathrattle dragon egg

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Because the game is loaded with RNG designed to reduce the skill gap and even winrates so even pros feel the need to purchase more cards. Vote with your wallet and stop pre ordering if you haven’t already.


You might be on to something just got a silverback as my third one


packs should be 50 cents. that is all.


The conspiracy is strong is this thread.


The amount of desert hares that I get from Teachers Pet is too damn high


Laughs in FTP Top 200 (wild)

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Update event further, 4th time I use it I get the Paladin 1/2 mech that summons two other little mechs, 5th time I use it I get king phaoris

You know, if you don’t want bad RNG you could try not using RNG cards. That usually works for me.


I agreed!!!

This was the 1st Xpac since Msog that I did not pre purchase, SO GLAD.

These auto-win conditions are stupid. Even THEY are random.

“Oh I know it’s turn 5 but here’s a 10/10 with divine shield!, surely you can kill that right?”

And that Warrior ripper crap…

The whole game is whose vomit can smother the other person accidentally 1st.


I would love to know what point you are trying to imply.


It would appear that he’s trying to imply that with patience and skill you can be quite successful in hearthstone without spending money

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Nevermind, I think I got the wrong end of the stick.

I decided to stop buying packs anyway. Not because I don’t enjoy the game, just think Activision are pure evil. There are enough free resources chucked at you anyway that it isn’t necessary.

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#big true there big hoss

that crazy sense timm use to buy packs lol. not really f2p if you use to buy packs.

this is how a dice game works

I get what you’re saying. I made it to legend F2P too. But once I got a job and started making money, I didnt mind buying bundles every once in a while. What’s the big deal? I like the game, why not throw some money at it?

Unless you lost out on a five figure tournament prize, just enjoy the game, play for fun. If you aren’t having fun, play something else or try something else.

Yeah I literally can’t stand people who claim they play tier 1 decks in casual to learn a deck. If you can’t learn a deck by watching or even seeing the contents you’re bronze caliber so rank shouldn’t matter considering this game has a ridiculously low skill floor and ceiling. The rng is a huge part of the floor and ceiling being so low.