Worthy opponent?

does the level of your hero affect who your matched against ?

im fairly new a week but played MTG a lot years ago
long story short I have played mage all week and he is lev 39 and keep getting smashed even though I think my deck is reasonable
today I did the daily mission with the standard warrior and druid decks who are lev 11 / 21 I think and kicked butt
while my mage keeps getting opponents with golden kobolds and other cards I cant even find in crafting

Yes, you are matched with someone with similar ranks. And there are cards called uncollectible cards which are generated from special cards. And the card you say is apparently a treasure card in wild, are you playing wild? you should craft some wild cards before doing it, it is full of chaos and crazy decks. And “Worthy Opponent” is just a fake loading screen animation system, theres a timer on the bottom. And not all cards are craftable, by the way.

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ive checked several times im playing standard
my mage deck is getting ripped apart by decks way above anything I could hope to match and the players I get matched with are doing things I thought you couldn’t . my last game a paladin cast air raid 4 x in a row one on turn 2 one on turn 3 and 2 more on turn 4 then I got kicked off the server

FYI I did finaly make silver

You should check how to play the deck from data webs like HSreplays. And your hero level has nothing to do with rewards or skill, but how much can you show it off.

ok that’s what i wanted to know its your rank not your hero level
thank you

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MMR, not rank. So you can be matched with people in different brackets than you are.

MMR isn’t shown anywhere.

Welcome to the game and have fun