Worst player experience since last Quest Warlock

I don’t mind broken decks. I just don’t like decks that aren’t fun to play against. When the entire meta revolves around “kill them before they play x card or spend the next 8 turns dying while they resummon the same card you can’t interact with”

Zilliax sucks. I liked it when it was first introduced. I thought it was cool to have a customizable card. Then for some reason we introduced a module that not only gave them every single tool possible to value trade the entirety of the game but also made it so it could be respawned 12+ times a game.

I would be happy to tech against any deck that has a vulnerability but “Win before they play card or die unless you’re playing a mirror that takes an hour” is awful.

Edit: Also this is not an “I’m losing and I’m mad” post. My win rate this season is great. Im just frustrated that im pigeon holed in to aggro or mirror. Any time i try to play a fun mid-range deck even if i can make one that survives the aggro meta i just get deleted by value deleting lists a turn later. Any experimentation feels banned. Make the biggest hunter beasts you can and just have someone cast one spell that makes enough taunt/poison/divine shield/ reborn minions to delete your board multiple times over and summon them all again another 5 times.