Worst expansion since United in Stormwind

Sunken city was such an amazing expansion and I loved playing during this time.

This expansion is probably the worst since United in Stormwind.

Insane powercreep, only 3-4 classes are playable and you released a patch that was made by someone who has no clue what they are doing, just to make the game even worse.

I guess I will install again when next expansion hits. And please hire more pros in your design team, that actually understand the game.



Don’t understand why they keep making these extremely 1 sided decks where you dont even feel like you get to play the game. Stormwind was bad for the same reason. I hate watching my opponent freeze my entire board and play their own game as much as i hated sitting there as warlock completed their quest.

Do they not understand for the game to be a fun experience, both players need to feel like they have a chance to win?!?!?

Whereas at the moment it honestly feels like if you dont play the top 3-4 decks you will lose. There is too much of a gap between the best decks and the rest. The game has become you either play decks that punish your opponent for playing the board by freezing or trading into it to feed your otk, or you vomit stats onto the board so fast you win by turn 5.

The uninteractivity is unreal. Kind of embarrassing for the devs that they made an expansion to try and encourage minion and board play and all they did was make a meta where the best decks are the ones that punish you for doing so. Maybe next time if you want to incentivise minion interaction don’t create cards that benefit from your opponent playing minions. All it does is make people not want to play for board.

When i am too scared to play stuff onto the board because it will be frozen out or mass silenced or traded into and feed their otk or be eaten and give my opponent a giant minion, it doesn’t exactly promote me to want to play minions


Ill admit I was wrong about the last expansion. I thought the power creep was going to be more akin to what this expansion has been. Sunken City was pretty good with only a few really obvious issues. This expansion is just problem after problem after problem. It feels like the expansion they gave up on the bulk of the player base and decided to cater to whales and the 3rd world market.

that makes no sense. sure Castle NAthria sounds cool and had a hundred problems since release, i think the mini set should be even better and a possiblke solo adventure if HS changes its mind

:roll_eyes: serioulsy ? minion trading is uninteractive now

Ding ding ding! Again RageMage is correct! Far and away one of the biggest issues with the game currently is the lack of interactivlty. I never mind losing if someone outplays me. But most Hearthstone losses I feel come from sources beyond my control. Hell I felt that way to some extent from the start of this game and refused to ever play ranked as a result with any serious effort. But its gotten so bad that every game really feels like it ends because something that shouldnt exist. Most games feel like players who just want to play baby mode and care more about a win than playing the actual game.

Heck just look at these forums and how most of Blizzards supporters insist anyone who isnt playing Theotar, Mutanus or other cards to break up combos stupid. The meta has devolved to a few decks fishing for cheap wins and every deck must run specific counters that you hope you play before your opponent does. Endless freeze effects, decks with 6 copies of board clears…just endless punishment for anyone who actually wants to try and play the game.


This type of trading is uninteractive. Yes.

Its Not
You play a minion,
I play a minion to answer you minion
You play a minion to answer mine

Back and forth. Actual player interaction and allowing for skill expression

I spend the first few turns ramping while you build a board, then i play 1 card which summons a board which i trade into yours and counter your last 4 turns in a single go. Doesnt matter what you play i will always have a card that summons a board which will clear anything you play. Try playing any minion, i will always have ways to remove it, All whilst feeding my otk. Oh btw i am now 3 mana higher than you and can go past 10 mana. Any minions you play just feeds the otk further, enjoy being otk’d in 4-5 turns. Your move.

Or its
You played some minions. Cute. Would be a shame if they were to be FROZEN. Oh whats that? You want to actually attack me? too bad. FROZEN. Wildfire, wildfire. 3 damage hero power. Get through this ice barrier, get through this solid alibi. Gain armor and make some skeletons. BLIZZARD. DEATHBORNE. DAWNGRASP. Ping. Ping. Ping. 4 mana hero power guy clear the board. Now i have a hero power that does 8 damage. Maybe you shouldnt have played minions to feed my hero power. Oh you played more minions. MORDRESH!!! 8 damage hero power btw. Now i summon a board of 2/2 skeleteons. Did i mention have an 8 damage hero power? Nightcloak sanctum, freeze anything you try and play


Notice too that the people complaining are making long posts. Listing specifics. Going over turn orders. Just putting so much work into their posts. People like Borneus or whatever his name is meanwhile are posting a few insulting or dismissive words and than taking a victory lap.

Its so beyond pathatic and obvious who is in the right here. Topic after topic after topic the complainers can list numerous cards or combos as examples and each time the fanboys come in and with a few snarky words dodge the argument at hand and dismiss/insult folks. I spend a lot of time reading and studying politics as my main hobby and the arguments and debate tactics I see here remind me of political cognitive dissoance. People dont like a fact, they cant argue against the fact, so they dismiss the person or fact with piffy one liners that say more about them than whatever they are arguing for or against.

You have literally multiple times now made very long very detailed posts just to have these childish fans cherry pick one or two things that are said and ignore the bulk of your argument. Not just you, most people making the solid argument against Blizz are getting that treatment from far too many here.


the opponet is supposed to be able to respond to yoru minions with minion trading board removal or freezing

you are just saying interaction with your board shouldnt be allowed

you probably hate taunts and deathrattles too

and summonging minions with 1 card we had that for years

Nothing will top UiS in terms of unbalanced things for me.


Youre not doing yourself any favors by skipping the majority of the VALID argument he is making and adding nothing of actual value in your response. The rest of us see right through it.


calling minion trading uninteractive just because is part of the game plan is a bit ridiculous by itself

It isnt minion interaction.

There is nothing interactive about your board being frozen out turn after turn while the mage pings of your minions with their forever scaling hero power, or to stall so they can clear your board with mordresh, or just outright kill you

Was snowfall guardian also interactive to you?!?!?!

There is nothing interactive about playing a board of minions just for druid to play 1 card and clear everything because scales of onyxia is that broken. Druids main weakness is supposed to be removal. The devs said it themselves. Hence why they lost cards such as starfall and swipe. But who needs those cards when you can summon an entire board of rush and have the same effect. If you think scales of onyxia is interactive then you also believe swipe and starfall were interactive because they all are used the same exact way.

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druid isnt the only one able to clear the board with 1 card and is still minion trading

druid did that with pre nerf forcer of nature to avoid losing years ago we do it all the time with rush minions

or we use deathrattle minions for it priest has one you can use to clear the board just by buffing its attack

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Man I feel your pain. When certain cards get played on the board you say to your self the game is over. Nothing I have will counter that card in my current deck. If there was no truth in your statements then why are so many decks exactly the same and why does a slow druid deck get pitted against imp warlock or shaman murloc deck. Seems there is no balance in the selection of the decks you play. I read so many comments feeling the same way you do There has to be some truth to your point… Well done.

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Hi. Former whale here and I’m just about done too. I just don’t see any point in continuing with this. It’s so painfully bad I can barely get through my dailies. Every game feels like a carbon copy of the one before it. It’s boring at best and aggravating at worst. Other things to spend money on


I love when the staunch defenders of the game get wrecked with truth.

Aleco is from Runeterra. He ruined Runeterra in exactly the same way as Edwin patch.

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Good man/woman! Hope im wrong and more are like you.

What happened to runeterra? I remember it was very f2p friendly