Worst design spaces in Hearthstone

Game-long effects in general are horrific. Mind control effects are literally never fun for the opponent. Resurrection has always been hated, and is my main issue with the game right now.

It’s like Blizzard skipped game design theory. You’re continually reverting the game state. No one has ever been excited to die in Skyrim so they could load a save and play the same area again. Just like no one is excited for that 6th copy of Zilliax to hit the table, a lack of forward progress feels bad.

Hated by YOU.

Cuz they created cards you don’t like?

Also no one has stuck with the same failing tactics after reloading, they do what they can to play better.

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Resurrection is disliked by pretty much everyone. Resurrection Priest was one of the most disliked decks of that meta, easily. There’s a reason everyone hates Zilliax, and it’s because he is resurrected repeatedly. forcing you to interact with the exact same board state turn after turn. This is proven by the fact that Blizzard made changes to the Resurrection cards.

Allow me to refine my point for Skyrim, as it was a poorly made. You can adjust, but that’s experiencing something new and different, because you’re forced to interact with that instance of gameplay in a different way.

Taking that concept into an individual instance of gameplay in a card game, when the board is Zilliax or x minion being resurrected repeatedly, you cannot do anything different in that instance. You must interact with the same threat you’ve already beaten, as you cannot change your deck on the fly.

They skipped design theory day for a variety of reasons. Hearthstone’s popularity has drastically declined, and yet they have stayed the course of printing more of the cards people tend to dislike. This implies they are failing at designing a fun video game. My assertion is that the design spaces above are part of that problem.

Pointing out that these are just my opinion isn’t as good of a dunk as you think it is. It doesn’t explain why the mechanics can actually be quite fun for those involved, or explain why I might be incorrect in my assessment. Given the fact that Hearthstone has fallen quite far in popularity, it clearly demonstrates that something is wrong.

Instead of stating “That’s your opinion, lol” you could engage with the ideas presented. Use this as an opportunity to have a discussion where you could help me see your point of view. I’d be much more interested to actually exchange ideas, and be presented with different ways of thinking, than to just contend with another person who thinks pointing out an opinion makes the argument invalid.

A Control Priest hating topic on this meta was not in my bingo card.
People have gone bananas.

Perhaps they are confused and are mistaking priest continually erasing minions as some form of resurrection control deck? I guess you could call Elise Resurrection but i wouldn’t.

Everything Team 5 has “designed” has been terrible.

Not about control priest. It’s about the mechanic of resurrection. The deck I’m referencing is at least 4 or 5 years old. Priest isn’t the problem, and this thread isn’t about priest. It is, however, unusual for other classes to have the resurrection mechanic, so Priest is the only historical example that comes to mind.

well priest was a tier 1 other classes/decks have been able to

-original warlock Hero card(lich guldan) rez demons.
-Hunter can rez beasts with “revenge of the wild”
-Hadronox resummoned all taunt minions that died(druid)
-paladin currently has a forge card and tyr that are picking up popularity
-priest too many would triple size of my list

probably forgetting some but yeah that is a few

Because what you said is hearthstone in a nutshell.

I know many here would even dislike If they had the chance but hearthstone is a seasonal game and not only that but a experimental game.

The game really don’t work with safe design here because the goal is to create that goofy vibe that can only be created when your cards are near pure stupidity design level.
This is hearthstone direction and for such a dangerous it is pretty impressive that the game became 10 years old at all .

On what hearthstone really aims to be the game is a sucess.