Won my combat, but lost health and died. [Murlocs]

Just won my combat in third place at 1 HP and died after combat was complete.

I was Eudora. I won my combat, but my hero took damage at the end of it and I lost because of it. There was no start of turn after combat, it was at the end of the combat.

I was playing murlocs, no demons or any other sort of self damage I can think of. I had the deathrattle trinket that discovers a deathrattle and makes your first deathrattle occur twice. The other trinket was the trinket that gives the left most minion in your hand +5/+5.

I was playing against a dead hero (4th place).

i had two spores, 2 belchers, 1 murkeye, taunted golden basegill and 1 primalfin
in order. taunted belcher - spore - spore, belcher - basegill - primalfin - murkeye.
The basegill spawned 1 golden bream and a regular bream.

(I Am a game dev myself so trying to give as many details as possible as i can remember)