Window shopper is the problem

Easiest way to see how good the weapon is. Take out the Grasp and Instrument Tech and see how good the deck does with JUST the Window Shopper.

Hint: it’s almost unplayable.

I’d posit the same thing, but take out Window Shopper and replace it with Illidari Inquisitor.

But we won’t get actual samples for this so it’s conjecture. Right now Umpire’s Grasp and Window Shopper are inextricably linked because Window Shopper passes its discount along and its the only demon that sees actual play.

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Having used it, it’s not far off… turn 6 inquisitors are also very, very silly.

And any future powerful win condition demon could be a huge issue too.

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This was kind of my point. That deck would disappear and a weapon deck using the Inquisitor to close games would just take its place. The shopper wouldn’t even be in the deck.

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The point is that if the meta would be forced to choose between a Grasp deck with no Shopper or a Shopper deck with no Grasp, it’s going Grasp no question.

it is a bad argument both have totall different mechanics. Where illidari is good shopper will be bad and vice versa.

Not only that but the RED CARD should NOT be able to place their OWN mobs in it because that keeps the 3 damage going which is STUPID. That is 9 turns for 27 damage you CAN NOT STOP.

The 9th turn is at earliest the 13th turn of the game. That’s later than Wheel of Death. So no, it’s totally stoppable, you just kill them first.

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Yeah the way to go is to put 2 glacial shards in every deck untill the wepon gets nerfed. Better play draw mech rogue because gatekeeper on 4 can find you your shard pretty consistently and the play it shadow step it and watch the dh kid concedes immediately xD

Been there done that, priceless.

That only shows that the shopper withb the discount is meh.

Anyway still less broken than the prenerf paladin with milion reno effects big boards and windfury 40 dmg from hand.

  • 1st problem is the Weapon. 3/2 for 3 Mana drawing a demon and then reducing its cost by two is just way broken.
  • The 2nd problem is the pool of Demons the Window Shopper picks from. It feels like almost every time, they can discover a Magtheridon on the first roll. Is the pool ten demons or something?
    Combined, this DH is completely broken.
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The 2nd problem is real, but it’s the kind that solves itself as new cards are released. I think Angry Hellhound should be a Demon Beast, other than that I don’t think that touching Window Shopper is necessary. Nuke the weapon.

It’s eleven. Shopper can’t discover itself.


Correct. Thank you .

Its not window shopper. its the 3 cards they use to GET window shopper fast to field with reduced cost.

Just like Sunset Volley being only ONE of two 10 cost spells, which makes Tendril battlecry decks so annoying to deal with… theres TWELVE demons in their pool currently and yet they always seem to get Magtheridon, Inquisitor, or the Sap Demon to remove either your entire field or any big defender you run

Its a 5 cost, and you cant play the choice immediately… however when they always get draw weapon on 2 / coin an already drawn weapon. and now it costs 3. Well FML

How to say you haven’t read the thread without saying that you haven’t read the thread.

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Remove magtheridon from the discover pool and the deck will drop to below 50%

Almost any hit you do to the deck’s combo will do that.

Most nerfs are not sould crushing to decks because it only impacts the portion of games where the card is used.

Nerfing anything about umpires/shopper weakens like, more than half the games DH plays right now as it is ENTIRELY focused on that combo.

Or honestly even taking Magtheridon out of the list would not make it as unbearable. But I agree that the weapon is the main problem.