Wild Priest Players

Do you prefer undead priest or pirate priest for the climb?

I feel like with the new set that Pirate Priest is THE way to go but I was hoping to share some insights and philosophy. It’s definitely, at least in my recent climb to wild, one of the best decks in the format.

Are there matchups you dislike, are you using Benedictus, etc?

Yar, I be playing shadow pirate priest with Benedictus. It’s a very solid deck for climbing. Pirate Rogue is probably better. It has a lot more pirates along with Ship’s Cannon, which used to be one of my favorite cards in pirate priest, but it’s been cut from more recent lists. I’ve played a little pirate rogue, but I just like the feel of pirate priest better


The shadow package in priest I think is convincing enough to play it over pirate rogue. I think the turn 1 and 2 plays are better in priest and turns 3 onward are stronger in rogue.

Acupuncture and Mind Blast are pretty crazy.

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