Wild packs not containing PiP cards /dupe protection failure

Opened 101 wild packs in hope of getting closer to finishing my PiP card collection. Something is wrong since I received loads of duplicate rare/common cards from other sets (that I already own and should not receive yet because of DUPLICATE PROTECTION) instead of the new PiP commons/rares that I’m missing. I’m still left with basically zero commons/rares from the newest set. Please fix asap and refund my loss.

If you want PiP cards, then you should buy PiP packs.

Why would you expect PiP cards (a set that is currently in standard) to be in wild packs?


Is your comment productive? Do you fathom the mechanics I’m pointing out is bugged?

Duplicate protection should make it so opening wild packs is always best for me who want to complete my card collection.

The description of wild packs only indicates that the cards can be used in wild, not that it is restricted to cards not available in standard.
Since the wild filter in the collection also includes cards from standard, it’s only logical that wild packs would also include cards form standard if you combine both elements

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I mean this should’nt be doubtable or debatable. It has always been like this. This is either an unintended bug, or a illogical new “feature” they have failed to communicate to the playerbase.

EDIT: In any case, myself (and probably plenty other people) are left with their… cucumber in their hand.

Apparently not, because you still seem to believe that buying wild packs is a good way to get PiP cards.

Usually they are in higher volume/cheaper cost in bundles compared to standard/newest expansion exclusive bundles.

I would not expect wild packs to contain cards in the standard pack;

-If you wanted “standard only” cards you’d get standard packs

-If you wanted “PIP only” cards you’d get PIP packs

-If you wanted “wild only” cards you’d get wild packs

I would also note that the pack description doesn’t say it can or can’t give the latest expansion:
Brave the unknown with a Hearthstone Wild card pack! Available in quantities of 2, 7, 15, 40, and 60, these packs will add an assortment of cards currently playable in Wild format to your Hearthstone collection. Whether you seek candle-adorned Kobolds, bomb-lobbing Goblins, or a rather dashing Reno, these possibilities and more await you in Wild packs.

While I truly appreciate engagement in my post, it seems pretty obvious that what I’m addressing is either little known, or the uneducated are drawn to comment. I am a wild player, thus, I repeat myself, mainly buying wild packs is legitimately statistically the best way to complete my collection (and that now coincidentally means my packs would and should be filled with commons/rares from the newest expansion since I own every other common/rare). Namely because of this: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/000116884 (I apologize for assuming this was known info)

I urge any brave souls that want to “help” to read that article and re-read my posts as to not embarrass themselves. In any case this is not a troubleshooting forum for the players, but rather a place to report bugs. I’ve reported a bug (after a GM in a support ticket that confirmed they’ve received multiple reports about it told me to report it here) that only Blizzard/the devs can fix and compensate me (and other victims) for.

just so i understand

you opened 101 wild packs

and you didnt get any pip cards at all?

I didn’t count unfortunately (I opened them in batch). Also had some PiP packs are launch of expansion so I’m pretty sure the few PiP cards I have are actually from there. Didn’t realize until later that I was missing basically every PiP card.

(my expectation and normal behavior would be that those 101 packs would cover all commons/rares from PiP as it would force those cards to be unpacked until I had every missing rare/common–which at the beginning of this expansion was solely PiP rares/commons I was missing… )

so you got no new cards, only duplicates of non pip cards?

Without 100% certainty, that’s my take. I did do this on Tuesday/Wednesday after the launch, and after I had already opened the few PiP packs I had received pre-release.

Just opened the 102nd wild pack for science now (even got lucky with a legendary lol). Can confirm I got 3 duplicate commons from older sets, and 1 duplicate rare from older set. (in this sense, duplicate means 3rd, not 2nd instance)

Still got 0 cards from PiP although I’m missing plenty of commons/rares from that set.

Web store description states:

  • Wild cards can only be used in Wild format and are not eligible for Standard format play.

Based on this you can’t get standard cards from wild packs.

The Wild Filter in the card collection is not the exact same thing as the Wild Pack’s contents. The filter allows for all card sets allowed to be used in Wild Mode, but the contents of a Wild Pack is not that, but contains cards from sets only allowed in Wild. SO any Standard sets currently allowed in Wild will not be found in a Wild Pack. You will only receive cards from sets that are not allowed in Standard. If PiP is in standard, then Wild Packs will contain 0 PiP cards until PiP rotates to Wild.

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Wow I missed that, now I feel dumb. Thought I looked that whole page over, guess not good enough.

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Sad thing that this is not written anywhere in the game.
If you can perform an entire transaction within the game without being warned of this, this is a big advertisement failure

Well, now I’m confused lol… Logically I don’t see why they wouldn’t contain all cards that can be played in wild when the mechanic “duplicate protection” exists.

In any case a GM confirmed to be that they had received multiple inquiries about this. So, I’ll leave it to the devs/blizz staff to clear this whole shebang up.

Thanks for the input guys🙂

Its because how else could you be protected against getting the same exact cards from a Standard Pack and a Wild Pack? This is the only way to guard against it. Otherwise why choose to buy a standard or choose to buy a wild if you can receive the same cards theoretically? There has to be a line drawn somewhere. And its where Wild Ends its overlap with Standard as to what you can get from a Wild Pack. I think you are overcomplicating your logic by invoking the duplication protection as some sort of aura that allows your logic to think what you did as a viable way to get your missing cards.

Remember that each purchasable item is that way for a reason. PiP Packs are for people in need of that specific set of cards.
Standard Packs are for people in need of a broader collection of cards from multiple sets but are legal for the Standard format.
Wild are for people wanting a collection of cards from a MUCH larger set of cards that are obtainable from a Standard Pack, but dont wish to be as specific as to buy a singular expansion’s packs.
Other Expansion packs are for the same reason as the one listed for PiP but can be for any reason at all as well as in need of that specific set’s cards.

I dont know the verbiage for dup protection well enough to list it out here but I know it isnt what you think it is for.

I understand your reasoning, but not sure if I agree. You could draw the same reasoning for PiP being contained in Standard Packs, thus a Standard Pack could contain the exact same cards as a PiP pack, and is therefore meaningless and invalid?

PiP Packs are a subset of Standard Packs (a logic I stand by), likewise Standard Packs are a subset of Wild Packs (which also should be the case and I would stand by equally). Logically Standard Packs awards any and all cards that can be played in Standard, and Wild Packs should do the same…

If Wild Packs were cheaper I understand you wouldn’t want to include Standard Cards.

I think the most inconsistent part is the difference between packs and collection filters, where the word “wild” doesn’t indicate the same sets of cards
In the collection, wild means “any card that can be played in wild”, while for packs it means “any card that can’t be played in standard” (kinda)