(WILD) Dorian Druid

Team 5 should be ashamed. I wish I had a dollar for every dev post I have seen prating about “uninteractive”, when they allow a deck like wild Dorian Druid to exist.
The deck should be dealt with.


Dorian should be banned in Wild, and after the Rotation Set to 5 Mana (because Oaken Summons will not longer work).

Not the strongest, but the most annoying Deck in Wild atm.


My problem is that summoning bypasses all defenses.
Team 5 would never allow my class a otk that is summoned.
Nor should they. It’s stupid, and negates interactive gameplay altogether.


I did once do an OTK on turn 2. But in general, it’s easily countered by simple rush decks.

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So pirate decks beat it, and everyone else gets to eat dirt.


Just like odyn, a deck that waits around to draw 1 card then immediately friend reqs you to talk trash when that one cards the victim of a sin of envy hit

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Such has been the case for Druid for a long time now. Druid is the king of slow decks and king of end game and greed.

Loses to aggro but gets to dominate the late game.

It’s been that way in standard for awhile as well. Reno Druid is strong for a reason and dominates all other Reno decks because no one can compete with Rhea. And regular dragon druid is king of greed with marin and dorian.

Druid has been the king of that gameplay since Jades were introduced and never stopped. All the neutral legendary minions have been druid treasure gold mines.


But the deck isn’t that slow. It drops Dorian and wins.
And the speed isn’t really my gripe. If Time Warp was a problem: (And it was.) Then so is Dorian.


Yeah, I know. It’s a pain that there are a lot of broken decks in wild. But they really don’t care. Wild gets maybe 2-3 nerfs a year and that’s it. They haven’t even bothered to nerf Fatigue Warlock, and Pirate DH is broken as can be, so Dorian is likely not even on their list. Likely will never get nerfed.


Tech cards work wonders, especially those that mess with minions in their hand or deck; battle cry cards placed at the correct time screws them as well (like those that increase the spell costs). Or that taunt minion that makes all minions sleep for a turn. Be creative and you’ll do fine. If you feel much hate, use warlock to burn cards!


how do they play around objection and sleepy resident ?

this deck seems to run only a few minions so i doubt they have minions to bait objection so theyll have to weaken their board to do it , not an "i win " counter but it must help
they dont run silence either so with iceblock and sleepy resident you can earn 2 turns more (or more)

just having it forces druid to rely on recruit to get dorian out making the deck slower

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The deck is broken, i have not complained much , because a tech like clumsy steward or the cost 3 dragon (which make no card costs less than 2) placed in curve counter it very hard, they dont usually have removals, go all in, in their combo…
And its weakness its aggro which as a paladin i don’t mind playing at all…but kills the variety, its frustrating how fast it is and because of that, i hope they nerf it…
but without nerfing dorian, the solution is to revert aviana so that she interferes in the draw of the psychomelon with eonar.


There are many ways to beat it besides aggro, we need good otks that can beat the tons of renothal decks.
If dorian is banned then renathal should be banned too.

Maybe I’m not playing against it right, but I will say objection has to be drawn and in play when they drop it. Team 5 has made that far less likely with the nerf to Lackey.
Maybe you can spectate a few of my games and help me refine my strategy against the deck:)