Why would blizzard do to new player

I was ranked legend last season, and I’m at the moment silver. I just got paired with someone who had to be a new player because they barely had any cards worth putting in the deck to rank it is mostly core cards and few must open to adding to the deck.

I mean they had Savannah Highmane and Snowflipper Penguin in their deck so had to be new or was this bot because I felt bad-destroying them with Shaman net deck? So MMR could not be that high with a type of deck of old cards.

Congratulations. You found a bot.

I was not sure so now I don’t feel bad. :smiley:

No. It’s possible to find all kinds of bad decks because people may be doing achievements or fooling around.

Why would a cheater play bad cards when they can get better ones for free?

Blizzard stopped using bots btw, so it can only be a cheater in your theory.

Because the bot account doesnt have all the flashy expensive cards unlocked? Ive bumped into such decks although it was a long time ago. Running stuff like loot hoarder, savannah highmane, various cheap murlocs and other cards that havent seen play since 2016

But you’re given a free deck to play easily. But in any case I never saw evidence those people are bots.

They may be new or fooling around and I’ve played some dumb cards myself when doing achivs.

I used to think so too. Until i saw the 5th hunter running the EXACT same list of bad cards.

Could be the same person. If you are losing a lot then the tail end of the MMR might put you too easily together.

Similar things happen to people on the top 10 of the meta.

This was a long time ago. Back when you just instaconcede to druid because theyre even more obnoxious then than now. Not the same person, different tags and names. My mmr is fine i dont face any bots at all these days. Maybe blizzard cleaned them out.

Maybe these were the accounts farming gold for arena runs to sell the super drafts.

Back then you could easily tell by the way they played too. Never trades or trades in a silly way, never reply to emotes and often has similar or identical decklists.

Oh yeah I almost asked that. If it’s more than months ago then it might be Blizzard bots for very low MMRs. They said they removed those.

How do you know it’s a new player and not someone that got legend back when Classic mode was still a thing? They could have got a high MMR from when Classic mode still existed and just never got new cards for Standard. MMR takes forever to drop it seems. Like I am still getting 10 stars on EU and Asia and I only play enough constructed there to get the new card backs with maybe a few games here and there to complete quests when I can’t do them in Tavern Brawl and/or Arena.

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