Why is this Zilliax build allowed?

I’m tapping out of this one. Go ahead nerf ALL the cards you want and i can guarantee you that after those nerfs another card/deck will appear that does something else unliked and we will be right back to screaming for more nerfs.

I’m having more troubles against Brann + Zilliax combo where he gets to heal for full HP out of nowhere and then finishes you with it when you kill them

I am neither for nor against nerfs. I don’t like the card.
But if others do, that’s valid too.
I personally think the game has gone in one direction, way too long.
Zilliax is just another expression of that, to me.

at least i dont have to play DH

i will use this tell they nerf it

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Gotta say it was very satisfying smacking a Warrior in the face for 52 damage on turn 6 just now


im telling ya, its really somethin