Why is this Zilliax build allowed?

This will create a problem in the future.

It’s Power + Virus Module.
Allowing this while there are magnetized minions in standard is stupid.
Even without them it’s stupid. This was untrargetable all game.

I think that it was a deliberate attempt to buff Mech Rogue. I also think it was absolutely correct to deliberately buff Mech Rogue.

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tbh ticking + power is better than power + virus, imo

U can cheat it out on 3 (I’m sure Rogue has a way of doing so on 2 or sooner) and threaten to win the game soley because of that minion. Besides, if your opponent wastes all their resources clearing a 4 mana card, you kind of win anyways.

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I think it hardly can ever be a problem. As soon as this becomes prevalent, everyone knows how to tech against a stealth minion that does nothing for 3-4 turns. It is pretty frustrating when u encounter this tho, so many decks have no way to clear a stealth minion with reborn and a doomclock attached.

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Have you seen the replay ?
Because that minion actually did a lot

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Just mech rogue shennanigans

That deck always had an insta-win button available with luck of the draw, nothing new here xD

She won’t have it too often in the part of the game where you can’t deal with it, though

But when she does, it’s the same as losing to the other Zilliax, one played by DH-s that doubles the attack and hits his own hero for 3

Just a threat you couldn’t deal with, np, go next

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I didn’t need to haha, I am 5-0 with this deck. Currently it probably beats pretty much everything except DH (which is a big but). But a mere silence is kinda game over. Thing is no one runs a silence now.

Because they can’t. Isn’t Shard of Naaru gone?
How would one non-target silence that.

Oh and the naga silence (was it a naga? Idk that wide silence neutral, whatever the name) is also gone, right. Yeah I guess the counters are very slim rn. I was actually scared of finding a priest so I guess I don’t have anything to fear anymore lol

That’s what I am saying. Feels that if the meta slows down this just takes over in Rogue.
I guess people needn’t worry about disenchanting ZIlliax because this card will continuously bring broken interactions and get nerfed, lol.

One warlock did find a way to clear it tho. But I still won with Harth lol. They played it really bad tho. Somehow thought they were safe enough to choose the burn 6 cards option from Symphony so I just burst them from hand afterwards. Noobs find the toxic green option in Symphony too irresistible not to pick huh

This happened to me yesterday, also against rogue xD

If the other options were “draw 6 cards” but you already have a lot and “give +6/+6” with no minions on board and in hand, then it’s pretty much your only option to take

That could have been the case yeah. I do notice a lot of players tend to go for the toxic option just for the HA! moment even when it serves basically no real purpose.

Also I am 8-0 with this deck now damn. Haven’t found a single DH yet tho, I am just starting my climb.

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Headless Horseman is a good thing to have for this minion. Then shuffle in more plagues and you’re off to the races.

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No one is going to waste a card slot on a single target silence. Not when you have so many classes that can buff up multiple minions at the same time. They really should’ve made Starfish part of the base hearthstone set, especially if they were going to go so hard into handbuff decks with this release.


There are definitive ways to handle Mech Rogue. you just need to play them and hold them till the time is right.

This deck is helpless against hunter unless they highroll somehow with the sparkbots.

The draw mech rogue with mimirion I play is superior then this one.

10-4 with it so far.

Just OTK a 29 health Shopper DH on turn 6. I put my Zillax out on 5 with coin, then magnetised a Prosthetic Hand to it the same turn. Had the windfury sparkbot to turn it into a 15/whatever on turn 6 for OTK.

That’s great but turn 6 you’re dead

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Except I wasn’t. He lost on mulligan, obviously.