Why is this Zilliax build allowed?

But why mech rogue? Mech rogue is trash.

Dh hunter or even draw mech will kill you by turn 6. I dunno why you try to play this version if mech rogue with giants is better and much more fun and skill testing to play.

Fun for you does not mean fun for everyone


zilliax is another card that simply does too much. should not have been printed.

I haven’t had any trouble with hunter with this deck. The deck has Fan of knives for the tokens, single target removal, weapon to ping, Sap for deathattles… it has enough to control de hunter while Zilliax is beefed up, and it can also use zilliax as removal/recovery and stealth it back.

This is most definitely superior to draw rogue imo. And definitely more skill testing. Draw rogue is very easy to play.

Why is this Zilliax build allowed?

For the same misguided reason they allowed 15-15 Van Clowns with Stealth back in the day, with another Stealth top-decked next turn.

I like how those bozos playing that stuff truly believed it ‘skill-testing’.

No, it’s not, because that one doesn’t have perma-stealth and reborn. :grinning:

But anyway, Rogue (well, two kinds of it: the subject and the one with a full board of 8-8 giants on turn 1 or something like it) is just one of the current parade of decks that shouldn’t exist, the others being all sorts of Warriors, about two kinds of Warlocks, annoying Sif Mages and even Zarimi Priests (‘I’m super annoying, and even if I generally stink, just like a Rogue, I can roll really high, lol!’). Well, at least those particular Shamans of the problematic sort seem to be out, and Paladins no longer ‘busted’ after the patch…

You all should be grateful to the Aggro DH (or even Hunter to some extent) for keeping a lot of this literally toxic stuff (what? The Zilliax in question is poisonous :grinning:) somewhat at bay and making room for some cool decks, like singleton Druid, for example.

PS Druid, Hunter, DH and DK are those top classes/decks I consider legitimate at the moment. A bit uncertain about Paladin, though.

Please do not misquote me again. You quoted just one part of the whole conditional sentence and negated it out of context.

You just lost one of the only people here who read your very long and inflammatory takes.

That was never my intention.

My point was: an early big minion is something that can be answered at least in principle (and frankly, there are quite many removals in the game), while an early big minion in stealth — generally not in practice.

To continue the analogy with the original and very controversial (to the point of being put into the Hall of Fame, but here they go repeating their mistakes again) Rogue card called ‘Conceal’: when Handlocks played a Mountain Giant on turn 4, you could have a BGH, if nothing else, and answer it; when Rogues played a big Van Clown in stealth, you’d just lose (well, there was a chance that Tinkmaster Overspark could save you, but if you relied on that, well…), and that’s the end of the story.

What’s ‘inflammatory’ about that?

I knew this was gonna be a thing from the start

I’ve tried it, its really good, but not that fun, I prefer the Twin+Perfect, or Perfect+Recursive

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No, what’s so skill testing about this deck. All you wanna do is play pit stop play ziliax and then wait till it go face. Every single game it’s all you do. On the other gand draw rogue can go for a memeron play, so it’s definitely more skill testing as it has more paths to victory. So it’s not even close.

I kind of like the whole building it process. Would like to see more cards like that for building flexibility into different types of decks.

I am all for innovation in this game. But must it come at the cost of the simple elegance this game once had?
This used to be a game of smart trades, mana management, knowing your curve and your card pool, positioning, etc.
Not anymore.

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So what is the tech against it?

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You just described Curvestone, which was the most boring way to play this game. Literally nothing dynamic about that style of gameplay.

What is so dynamic about losing on turn 4 to OP cards?

Again. You just described Curvestone. I curved out my first 4 cards and you didn’t and now the game is lost. There has always been the chance a game could end in this manner. It’s not like it’s something new to the game.

That is exactly why they waited for Starfish to rotate out - it would be a two card win con against handbuff Paladin, Handbuff Death Knight and that regarded Beast Hunter.

So what point are you trying to make? Because this game is: "IWinStone " right now. There was a time when you didn’t know the outcome by turn 3.

You just generalized the ENTIRE game as i win on turn 4 when that is just false.

mallenroh moment, though he’s not entirely wrong

the game is very polarizing and any of the multitude of gamewinning cards (e.g, pre-nerf Painter’s Virtue, or T3 Ticking Power Zilliax) do essentially auto-win even if they don’t directly threaten lethal that next turn.

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