Why is this website not fixing icon in Firefox?

I upgraded to windows 10. When I went into firefox all my bookmarked websites had a generic black globe icon. I have to reload every website one by one to get the appropriate website icon back. When I reloaded all bookmarks in one of my folders they all changed to the appropriate icon except these forums. It still shows a generic black globe. Why isn’t this website creating a blizzard icon in Firefox?

The term for a standard website or webpage icon is favicon, for future reference.

Unfortunately, there are multiple reasons a favicon might not render properly, so troubleshooting is difficult.

Try clearing your cache, opening the Bookmarks Sidebar (Ctrl + I), loading Hearthstone Forums anew, dragging the forums tab into your Bookmarks Toolbar to add it as a new favorite, then deleting the old bookmark.

Good luck! :smiley:

they are rendering perfectly for every website except this one so my guess it’s something to do with these new forums website .

Even if it’s a problem on Blizzard’s end, I would rather have them work on the game than an icon in firefox.

Not me I couldn’t care less about new cards and the game works perfectly fine , however this icon problem is ticking me off