Except there are errors in this statement.
There are always broken things happening in every meta. And, like you, lots of players get angry and take their frustration out on the devs.
Since you failed to identify exactly why you feel that the game has become an “abomination” one is free to speculate it has something to do with this current meta. In this case, it makes what Macroscongas said correct.
Nope. You might interpret there are errors in the statement; I do not. If you want to disagree that’s fine, but there’s no error in my statement. At least from where I’m standing. Now if you wanna make your own statement from where you’re standing, go right ahead. I won’t tell you you’re in error for doing so. I may disagree, but that’s fine, just disagree.
So you’re trying to tell me that a statement made completely out of “I feel like” and “what if” hypotheticals can’t be factually wrong or have no errors? Not to mention it lacks any given reason WHY you feel the way you do?
And you see no problem?
Troll confirmed.
The problem is that one would have had to work at Blizzard in 2016-2018 to determine the validity of your statement. Did you?
Is absolute pure speculation that Ben was the guy looking out for the fans, with Activision gold hoarding dwarves breathing down his neck and overruling him left and right.
That’s not how things work in a corporation. They usually don’t promote someone to game director if they’re are in constant conflict with the corporate interests.
So it’s you who have the burden of proof that the director of Hearthstone and the direction it was going were not in alignment. Because you brought it up.
Nope, when did I say it was factual logical argument or whatever? Stop twisting my words to suit your needs. Learn reading comprehension, please. Troll confirmed? Ditto.