Why is druid like this?

Why does druid seem like the class who’s decks are always “cheese or lose”. Druid decks are always mana and minion cheat. Wanna summon 3 10 cost minions on turn 5? If you have the right cards you can. But if you don’t, you’re just gonna lose because the decks are built around this cheat style of play.

It just doesn’t feel good to play against. The win feels unearned and the loss feels terrible since you can’t counter it most of the time.

rogue decks are like that too…didnt they nerf quasar rogue which was pretty much "cheese or lose "?

im sure other classes had decks like this too


Oh for sure. It just seems (I say seems because I’m not druid expert and it very well could have non-cheese decks) that’s all druid has.

Druids used to have all the big stuff. The caveat was they couldnt clear big minions. Or wide boards.

Somewhere along the road blizzard went “wait thats no fun” and gave druids all the ramp, all the armor, all the draw, all the tutor and whoops, they got board clears and removal too. Why have a weakness? Thats no fun!
And blizzard also designed broken neutrals that were pretty much tailored for druids to plop down turn 5. What other class runs dungar? No one, thats who. Because dungar is a pretty good 5 drop when youre druid.

This, blizzard have tried and failed to add alternatives but have never succeeded, stuff like treats and hero power.

In the meantime they keep adding expensive powerful neutrals which as far as druid is concerned are just not that expensive.