Why have we not seen monk or Evoker class yet

Well okay.

If you’re hearting criticism like that, consider me quite impressed.


Oh, regarding the thread topic, when it comes to adding more classes to Hearthstone my official position is

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Criticism is fine. Provided it isn’t malicious.
I remembered almost everything that was said.
Pardon my humanity if I mis-remembered who said what.
The gist was still that this game was designed for nine classes, and adding more was frowned upon, until profits became more important than play quality.

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Says the guy that calls for heads to roll on team 5 for the last 5 or 6 years due to a misguided view on reality - Rogue has still been more nerfed than Mage to this day.

Practice what you preach.

You still haven’t shown me one shred of the awful things you claim I have repeatedly said about you.

Hypocrisy is such an ugly color.

Dude, look in the mirror. You are, by FAR the biggest hypocrite on these forums.

Scroll up and read your posts directed at me for the “shred of evidence” you are looking for. It wont take you long.

But its fine for you to target others?!?

My ex would do this thing where she’d totally be losing the argument, so, even though it had absolutely nothing to do with the current topic, she’d bring up this one time I had epically messed up 5-6 years prior.

Don’t mind me, I’m just randomly sharing.

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You are the same, if not worse

There are 4. Tempo.

Also, its Midrange, not combo.

Combo is a win con, finisher.

You can be aggro-combo like nature shaman and insanity lock, control combo as most of the combo decks, tempo combo as concierge druid or Midrange combo as handbuff pally

Also, the playstyles arent that clear anymore. Too much card draw, tutoring and discovers makes meta decks much more versatile and flexible than before

Nah, its combo. Miracle Rogue is a combo deck, for example.

Midrange is a hybrid between control and aggro.

Then again, I am talking to someone who doesnt realise that a tempo deck is, by definition, an agro/control hybrid.

The archetypal triangle is agro > combo > control > agro.

your lack of understanding for such a high level player is absolutely astounding!

Temp vs. Mid are similar sub-archetypes. Tempo is more aggressive, while mid is more defensive.

Combo is not a win con, it is a literal archetype - combo falls when they have to expend their pieces for board control reasons.

Combo is an archetype.

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Death Knight turned out to be more of a success on release than Demon Hunter, which had a distrastrous release and got 13+ cards nerfed in a few months. It was a sign of the power creep to come, as nowadays, some of these cards are unnerfed and barely see any play. (Priestess of Fury, Imprisoned Antaen, Metamorphosis: sees some play).

I’d say no to a new class, but it’s not a hard no. Surely they have to consider the implications it has on the economy: 13 new cards per set, diluting cards in card packs etc.

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I disagree. Call it midrange, that’s fine. There are only three.
Tempo can be more than one thing, it is not it’s own playstyle. Tempo can be control, or Tempo can be aggro.

At a Wedding, you’re the Bride.
At a Funeral, you’re the Corpse.

No, it can’t. Control decks are reactive, tempo is by definition proactive.

Not only did the TCG-s change since that division was first invented, but Hearthstone itself changed completely since its beginnings.

If once your division made sense, now it absolutely does not.

I still disagree. Playing old school Mana wyrm/ tempo mage was definitely board control, until you turned the corner to burn face.
One of my favorite decks of all time.

If they’re not allowed to do a measly board for the expansion anymore, they’re not going to do 2 more, full blown classes. I’ve been wanting Monk for ages but I’ve given that dream up.

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I’d have more interest if they actually removed some classes. Perhaps a monthly rotation or just complete deletion. The whole platform is so out of hand at this point, I’m hoping for some major overhauls across the board otherwise HS may leave my system for good.

No, that is totally backwards argument. They are not “forbidden” from doing new boards. Blizzard just want to monetise those new boards.

By the same token new classes would be an additional opportunity for monetisation. New classes means more cards per expansion, means more money for Blizzard. At least in theory.

They can’t even balance out the current classes… Do you really think this game needs one more class in it’s current state? I don’t think so…

yall are both right, combo was a standalone deck archetype in the old days of hs because you needed a LOT of support to make any one combo work (the closest we had to a “small package combo” was force of nature roar which still required the druid to do a good deal of damage before hand.)

nowadays, there are so many “small combo packages” that practically every deck has a big flashy win-con to deal massive damage or produce massive boards or destroy most of an opponents’ deck.

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Call them what you want. There are only three playstyles.

No, by definition, tempo is an aggro/control HYBRID archetype. This means it plays both proactively, and reactively, depending on the situation.