Why has druid not been nerf yet

It does not matter what druids win rate is. I agree with op. No class should just be able to break the game if the right cards are drawn period in standard.

I dont care about wild. Other classes there have there own Shenanigans on par with this but in standard this is diffrent.

Blizzard had nerfed other decks/classes/cards in the past with far lower win rates that were not nearly as broken.

They only reason druid is able to these Shenanigans is because of guff.

This card, Wildheart Guff, should of been hall of famed A LONG TIME AGO PERIOD.

Enough is enough.

Standard is taking a turn in the right direction. Again still needs some work but im grateful.

Guff has plauged standard for long enough its time for him to go.

I have no issues with brann because all classes can use him.

Guff breaks the mana cap and only druid can use. I can argue and will argue that guff is or is one of the single most op cards ever created in hearthstones exsistance.