Why has druid not been nerf yet

It is like it knowing the class other broken, but blizzard leave is the way it is at the moment. They have so many new cards that make 10x harder to beat them with all the other stuff that has to counter it and make it worst. I’m at the point I don’t even want to play anymore because of this class.


It has.

Renathal nerf is huge for it. Now it’s easier to take they down before they rise 7475758 armor.

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are u kidding ??
the same way its NO CHANGE while the other player plays with Renathal too
and the 5 hp lower on the Druid starts is still no matter while this BS class have best draw in the game, best mana cheatings, best discovers/tutor trought cards, best armor gain, copying self cards, spamm with Onyxia and Whelps to clear boards, Taunts, and OFC the BS Ramp which in late game is like playing a 1 turn for normal class (8-10 mana crystals) vs Druid with like 15-17 mana which are literally 2 turns in one… AND I DONT MENTIONED THE CRAZY OTK WHERE U STILL LOSE A GAME BEING WITH FULL HP 30 OR 35 NO MATTER. CUZ HE CAN CAST BRANN COMBO AND RAPE U NO MATTER HOW GOOD U PLAYS AROUND HIS OP BS CARDS AND SYNERGIES FOR THE WHOLE GAME…

and finally this shytt can still plays as aggro and OWN you in like 4-5th turn with spammy potatoes with pumped stats…

there never be any BS class like the Druid in HS, not any class exists with these OP BS for months like the Druid still, the last one but not that crazy, were the pirate Warrior with the quests and OP Nellie combo + Smite


The meta is shifting toward 30 card ramp druid

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I just had a druid beat with two anumb , brann , 2x Astalor, the Flamebringer
on turn 10 like this reply. he even did not play his secound astalor till turn 10 so play 3 of them in one turn.

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What are you trying to play?

Want to post that deck list?

It thijs frost dk deck

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next cheese talker in forums. they nerfd denatrius, anub, renethal.
go and take a look on hsreplay, druid is actually a tier2 class deck with 49% winrate.

every tempo/combo deck can beat the druid.

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That’s probably your problem. You’re playing a rena deck, which implies you’re being greedy and/or slow, and that’s the exact type of deck that druids are good against.

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I don’t remember druid being nerfed, ever lol. Ramp has been broken forever, just as this token aggro druid. Druid is allowed to be broken, imagine if rogue or mage had these kind of broken cards lol

It does not matter what druids win rate is. I agree with op. No class should just be able to break the game if the right cards are drawn period in standard.

I dont care about wild. Other classes there have there own Shenanigans on par with this but in standard this is diffrent.

Blizzard had nerfed other decks/classes/cards in the past with far lower win rates that were not nearly as broken.

They only reason druid is able to these Shenanigans is because of guff.

This card, Wildheart Guff, should of been hall of famed A LONG TIME AGO PERIOD.

Enough is enough.

Standard is taking a turn in the right direction. Again still needs some work but im grateful.

Guff has plauged standard for long enough its time for him to go.

I have no issues with brann because all classes can use him.

Guff breaks the mana cap and only druid can use. I can argue and will argue that guff is or is one of the single most op cards ever created in hearthstones exsistance.


around the time this thread was created i saw areddit post with people laughing about druid win rate droping drastically after the nerfs

so it was hard to understand what this thread is about …until i read OP name

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Yeah post renethal nerfs, it doesn’t even really deserve a look into. Not to mention Denathrius/armor druid both nerfed, there is barely enough reason for druid to ramp anymore.

Even the best druid deck of wild was nerfed about 6 months ago and nothing has really found a place since for druid.

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i dont play Rena trash almost any time, for me they can just delete it the same as Brann, Denatrius or the next one Astalor OTK BS…

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The problem is the class has so much removable, counter mana cheat, and armor to even make a dent in the druid health total.


Remove Brann from standard and it will be fine!


and Remove BS OTK cards/spells like Kozakusan dragon, Astalor, Denatrius and all will be much healthier…

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The card that completely breaks Druid is Brann. Getting Double battle cries on Denathrius and Astalor, both being able to be played on a single turn thanks to Anubarak, is horsecrap.
The solution that would fix all of the problems with druid is to ban them from running Brann.


the class lacks removal thats why board based decks beat up druid all the time

how can you not know the worst match up for druid are board based decks taking advantage of the class lack of removal?

You are an idiot. Get off the internetz and seek help.