Why has bran not been nerf

This card busted and it going be even more with the new set with all battle-cry warrior will have.

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Because it’s not as strong as you think.

when warrior can hit in face with five mechs I would think it would be a problem.

Because it was already nerfed? Is this like a trick question or something??


Its been nerfed so many times that it actually isnt dominating the meta right now. The only new battlecry that will probably see play in the deck is incindious, and maybe some neutrals that dont actually gain that much value from brann, like overplanner.

They nerfed Reno, They nerfed Brann, what more do you want?

Play aggro like the rest of the ladder and farm us Highlander Warriors with your perfect pre t6 curve

Lost to warrior, running to the forums!