Why does this happen?

And is there a better way? I’m talking about building a balanced deck with the right curve. I’m talking 15x1 drops, 14x2 drops, 8x3 drops, and 3x4 drops, going first, being offered 3s and 4s, mulliganing them all, then being returned more 3s and 4s, then drawing a 2. I’m just curious why you think this happens far above the frequency that chance dictates it would? Because to me I immediately think, what is even the point of playing the match if it is going to screw me no matter what? If it doesn’t want me to play, that’s fine, I just feel like there must be a better way?

I feel like in this sort of scenario, where I have done all in my power and everything right, it should at least reward me with something to play. Again, this happens far above the expected value of chance, to which I would simply shrug and say okay, that was just unlucky. But it is a pervasive pattern so I am wondering what can be done about it?

Btw I do not want to spend money on the game.

Is this a Renathal aggro deck?

No it’s Blessed Combo Priest

I could have gotten the girl, the homunc, the freshmen, or the tradeable shard, or the 2 drop deputy naga, that’s 10/40 cards I need to be able to play the match fairly, so idk the chances of not being given them, mulliganing, not being given them, and drawing badly, but it happens more often than not so I am wondering why this is?

I don’t think you usually want Renethal in a combo deck unless you have a lot of targeted draw. You want to combo before the extra health matters. Also the deck probably doesn’t need that many 3 drops or any 4 drops

It always looks like a neat combo, but combo decks usually intimidate me

The only thing I can say is you’re taking every greedy players bad RNG and they should be thanking you…

I have had times(that feel unreasonable) where I have bad muligan RNG like this but then I’ve played for ten years so I expect it from time to time its just unfortunate when it happens.

Either try some more or take a brake; sometimes when a game(Mostly only Hearthstone) frustrates me it is best to “rest” and return when you can put up with it again

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It is give and take, renathal helps the deck to survive against aggro long enough to collect pieces of combo or removal. And the additional cards are all helpful and good. Still doesn’t answer my question as to why the game decides matches like this far above expected bad luck frequency? It seems like if it’s a bot deck or someone who spent money they get the cards they want when they want with no problem, I just want the same to happen for me. Is there a way to do this besides spending money?

well, I have spent way too much on this game to have as much bad RNG as I’ve had so spending money doesn’t do it

It could be you have a skill issue then. I am talking about being the most skilled one can be and still being told by the game not to play.

I know you hate the meta, but I’ll share the Tempo Storm list from yesterday anyway. It has nearly no removal, and relies on enemy minions for the combo. TS also notes that the list does not do so well against aggro, but it was apparently good enough in the current meta to reach rank 1 in legend at some point recently

Potion Priest


Class: Priest

Format: Wild

2x (1) Anduin’s Gift

2x (1) Funnel Cake

2x (1) Inner Fire

2x (1) Potion of Madness

2x (1) Power Word: Shield

2x (1) Shadow Word: Devour

1x (1) Shard of the Naaru

1x (1) Wave of Apathy

1x (2) Creation Protocol

2x (2) Divine Spirit

2x (2) Insight

2x (2) Radiant Elemental

1x (2) Shadow Visions

2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows

2x (3) Handmaiden

2x (3) Palm Reading

2x (8) Power Word: Fortitude


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

That doesn’t have Bless or Deathlord…I also don’t really use other people’s decks. Rank 1 legend means nothing, you can use a deck to get rank 2 legend then swap decks and reach rank 1 legend, then someone like you says look at this deck it reached rank 1 legend, hopefully you can see how this means nothing.

Yes, sometimes your posts are like that, but that’s okay. It can be fun to talk anyway

But yes, I guess the list I shared did not include Bless, but the idea for the combo is essentially the same. Also the list I shared is probably more reliable at getting the combo off because they aren’t running Deathlord lol

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Yes I agree, I entertain your replies because it can be fun to educate people away from ignorance.

I know all about the potential combos. I know all about these types of decks including the one you shared, divine spirit inner fire type combo priest is the only type of priest I play since day 1. My own list is similarly strong but has much better matchups against some decks, and far greater combo ability. But none of this matters as you are far off besides the point in this topic, which is about mulligans and pre-decided games.

Yes, if your curve was better, your mulligan would probably be better. That’s what I was trying to get at

Are you just trolling now? I literally posted my curve, there is no way for it to be better in this case. The only thing that can be better about my curve is the mulligan process or rng or algorithm, which is what my post is about. That is why I am asking if something can be done about it besides spending money? I just wanna play the game the way others get to, to not be told “you lose because we say so, spend money or else keep getting screwed” or whatever the message is they try to convey

Fixed that to reflect accurate information.

You can’t think it means nothing while also complaining about the things that mean nothing.

I really don’t think the issue here is curve. Bad homebrew is bad.

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Sure I can. Besides. I don’t “think” it means nothing, it simply “does” mean nothing. As for my “complaining”, it clearly means something to me, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking about it.

So a 40 card deck, with well over half (25) of those cards costing more than 1 mana.

Going first, you can see a maximum of seven cards – three initial hand, three mulligan, plus the first draw.

If my math is right, the odds of seeing no one-drops out of seven cards is around 2.5%, or about one game out of 40.

Going second (seeing nine cards instead of seven), the odds drop to 0.74%, or one game out of 142.

Once you realise how the card draw is manipulated, you can modify your decks accordingly.
I removed all 1drops from 2 selected decks, and my winrate went up, because before, I never drew the 1 drops in the opening hand anyway, and topdecking them when I needed a strong card was bad.

Doesn’t work in your case though, the 1drops being core the the deck strategy and not just a tempo play.

Welcome to the wonders of RNG.

Sometimes the 0,1% of time where something absurd happens is you. It’s that simple.

embrace the game and everything is fine

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