Why does tabbing out of Hearthstone disconnect you?

I thought it was just me, but my friend asked me this last week and I also experienced it on multiple computers now. Whenever you are in BG queue and switch your window focus to YouTube or whatever, the game sometimes gets permanently stuck and then says you are offline, prompting you to reconnect. I have experienced it often enough that it has become a nuisance, having to queue two times while doing nothing else until the game starts.

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I do it all the time and I’ve never had a problem with it. You mobile or something?


This happens in my phone, not the PC

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PC client. Works both in my laptop through wireless connection and my home PC which has wired fibre optic connection. YT will keep playing in the BG and everything else works fine except HS.

you should probably check your pc settings then, there is likely something there that terminates the connection when you tab out

It’s on his phone guys not his pc. I have the same problem when I tab out on my phone. I get dc and it’s only hs that dc when I tab around on my phone. No other game disconnected. It’s frustrating because when you dont play APM pirates then you usually have 1-2 minutes when you can’t do anything but stare at the countdown instead of reading news, writing messages etc.

This happens on my phone, if I switch windows for more than 10-15seconds it’ll force me to reconnect. If I wait more than I’d guesstimate 45-60seconds, it’ll just freeze up on the reconnecting screen and I’ll have to hard restart

This problem still persists…

This is purely from POWER SAVING features of an underlying operating system; they are very aggressive on mobile devices especially but PCs have them optionally too; they try to use ~0% resources if an app is not in focus and that often means even dropping the connections of the app entirely.

See if you have a “Power Saving” feature on at an app by going to its “Info” (e.g. after hold-pressing the app in Android) and I’m not sure how Windows does it. On phones those things are usually on by default and sometimes there’s an aggressive option to even shut down the app on unfocus.


This is the correct answer.

Right now I am typing this on a different screen while playing on my main monitor and it doesn’t disconnect me ever when I do this.


You can likely turn off all that stuff. There’s often a power saving feature on the UI, and if there’s not and it’s a mobile device maybe rooting can do it (not for non-computer-nerds).


I like the disconnect/reconnect from tabbing in, spends more of the enemy’s accursed rope times and gives me the immersion of glancing at another camera, looking back and seeing the aftermath of a horror movie through the first camera when the “static” finally clears

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