Why does Elon play D4 but not Hearthstone?

elon does play hearthstone, he just hasnt said it out loud yet

he both does and does not play

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You are way to serious…

They’re completely different games. What kind of question is this?

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Haha. His D4 character is named “IWillNeverDie," can you search that instead?

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Considering how many comments are worthy of condescension, that’s evidence of commendable restraint.


That’s extra funny. I mean, it’s mostly funny because it’s true, but it’s also funny because those who are wrong surely believe it about those who are right.

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As if Elon could win the World Cup, lol.

you seem to have forgotten what i wrote or misunderstood it. i said the game is good for casuals and those who enjoy a challenge. you seem to think it’s either one or the other. i’m not sure why.

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because you said

thats a pretty “hardcores only” type of gatekeeping there. and again, if the game isnt enjoyable on easy it will not become more enjoyable on harder difficulties, so I dont understand that whole Hive Mind Borg approach about that either, also, endgame shouldnt be the main draw of the game, it should be the dessert. The main course should be all the levels before that and it should be the main point of playing it.

I think he’s saying that endgame D4 is essentially a different game from early game D4. I’m not sure, but that’s how it appears to me.

I get that, but it still came off as the stereotypical smugness that I see in WoW players that say things like "when you reach max level on your character the tutorial is over and now the game begins for real. git gud scrub. " or the ones that whine in the chats about someone in their Random Dungeon they were just in that have same level and same gear as them but can only do 2k dps when they are doing upwards of 5 to 6k and go on to say things that explain it away that are just ways to call them the R word and other such things of that calibur.

Just the smugness, entitlement, low quality way of discussing others, to the level of haughtiness almost. (I hope I used that correctly). Its just more of that [Hive-Mind]~[In-Group]~[Group-Think]~[Gatekeeping] that ruins a game community the more of them that exist in a given game community…