Why does blizzard think they can be another marvel snap

Trying to stay in mobile market fine, but there a difference between HS and marvel snap design between game mechanics. Blizzard can try all want to be like marvel snap, but it will never be like in any way shape or form.

Marvel snap is designed to be fast match while HS was originally not because it’s a back and forth mechanic. Blizzard design HS after other ccg like magic the gathering and other slow ccg. This would be like trying to take a ford mustang and make it a Ferrari NOT GOING HAPPEN.

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Are they trying to do that?

Weird cuz i can go back many many years n see fast paced decks. Found a thread on reddit full of fast paced decks from 2016 just searching for 5 seconds alone.

Marvel Snap came out in 2022 so just a slight time difference.

Yes, there was fast path deck in the past but not at level we have now in HS. You can see it plain and clear blizzard trying to compete with marvel snap with game speed increase.

They are moving the game more toward the SNAP model of mobile friendly fast games with any style of deck. It’s not hard to see why they are moving in that direction. SNAP is destroying them in market share and revenue with their model. Not to mention SNAP has an insanely predatory and large cash shop. Aggressive monetization is the name of the game in the mobile market.

Will it work? Hard to tell until we have a solid 6 months of China data to see if getting back into that market with this new model captures what they are targeting for.


It may bite blizzard but and just Kill HS in the long run as we see a lot players hate the path HS is going. A lot streamers are starting moving their channel away from HS, and expert views are going down along side this. You are seeing more complain on with each release as game speed increase and Aggressive monetization.


Just quit already.

I/(we) are sick of your spam, Monster. You clearly suck at the game and want to be something it isnt, so move on to greener pastures.

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So talk about HS future is spam.

No, you spam.

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So talk about a blizzard trying to compete with marvel snap is spam wow. Also, was near reaching top 500 last month with bsm and rank away legend with dragon Reno Druid this month already.

So I most really suck if I can stay in top legend each months now.

They are only competing in fiscal terms, not p[lay style.

And its day 10 of the season. Irrelevant.

No, you dont have a high legend FINISH. Finish the season in the top 500, and I’m being generous, only then can you use that as an argument.

You are a whiny baby tryhard who treats these forums as their facebook page.

No one cares about your daily updates on the last deck you lost to (the ones that need to be nerfed! in your eyes)

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