I am really curious, is just the thought that you are irritating someone enough? Someone please describe for me how that is satisfying. I mostly squelch but at times I forget and some people just spam emotes like they are having conversations with themselves. I get someone trying out new emotes but those that don’t, they really do make me wonder.
If you were to play deep rock galactic, I imagine you wouldn’t ping spam the gold chunks and mushrooms. It is a thing you can only do when playing in a multiplayer game after all, and it is a reminder that you are playing with other people and not just by yourself.
I don’t want auto-squelch. I want auto-emote. I want my hero to automatically let loose with utterly random emotes as rapidly as possible. One sixth chance of each. I know I can’t actually be random enough myself to do the concept justice.
I emote against the Innkeeper and against solo content.
No, I’m not lying.
Why do you think I do that?
Are you taking a long time on your turns? Are you roping before the end of your turn, every turn? are you simply answering everything they throw out and seem to just deny them any amount of momentum or progress at all every turn? are you utterly devastating your opponent and beating them before they ever had a chance to play anything from hand? If you said yes to any of these, then that is why you would be getting a higher than usual volume of emotes. Anytime i encounter these folk that match those descriptions I am spamming my emotes, especially ropers and O.P.-A.F!- ers. lol.
I BM people who get lucky or are playing Discoverstone (usually those go hand-in-hand). That’s all.
I do not BM and I do not rope. I just play the game and do not communicate while playing. I just feel like so many people nowadays get off on taunting and ridiculing people any way they can. Its like some kind of sick social disorder. I am just curious what drives this behavior and would like an honest answer maybe from someone who finds this type of thing enjoyable. There has to be some reason, were they bullied as kids? Grow up in an abusive home? Do they suffer from depression or maybe anxiety?
I think if you answer my question you might get an answer as to why some people do it.
i know you wanted someone else to answer, but…i wanna guess.
are you looking for dialogue easter eggs??
you can let me know after your convo with rayray.
These ARE kids, careful with your presumptious judgements. A bit of self relisation please?
Heckler’s Heckle. Trolls Troll. What’s new?
It just seems like creepy and infantile behavior that everyone excuses. Like its cool if you act like a jerk online. It always makes shake my head at how pathetic and sad some people are. What is wrong with good sportsmanship? Why are gamers so rude and vile towards each other? Society really is a sick place.
its a set of buttons given to us to press as we see fit to. There is not a right or wrong way to press them as they are all elective by design. Well, I suppose the only wrong way to use them would be trying to derive deep meaning from them while simultaneously not using them at all. That I would consider an argument for using them in a “wrong” way.
The problem is there is no social pressure on people to treat others respectfully and that is sad.
blame it all on cramer. imagining cramer amped and emoting me. shudders
further up wall i go…eek
Are you sure whatever your opponent is doing is rude and vile? It’s an emote. We aren’t talking about /spit spamming in WoW, or using voice chat to curse you out, or friend requests into death threats.
We’re talking about using polite voice lines in a children’s card game. If you derrive something negative from that, that’s a you problem.
It would appear he doesn’t want to even attempt to answer in order to comprehend.
Nothing to do with Easter eggs. It’s pretty simple really. I’ll emote in solo content simply because I like to hear the emote. I’m playing a game. It seems absolutely silly to play a game and not interact with the features. For the same exact reason I play with the board.
I repeat, trying to derive any type of deeper meaning from 6 buttons of slightly different voice lines. Some not even coherent such as Rattlegore’s emotes. Just a bunch of vowel sounds smashed together. Trying to derive meaning out of someone spamming them is a futile effort because whatever your interpretation may be I can guarantee you I would interpret it a different way because of XYZ but you will argue its because of ABC.
Honestly the majority of times I encounter it is in two times, the beginning of the match where they spam hello emotes, I think, trying to invoke a hello emote back in order to verify something? My only guess is to verify Im human and not a bot? idk,
The other is when turns are going long without anything occurring at all and they will spam the threat emote over and over, or perhaps the wow emote. I can only assume to express something such as “hurry up!” or the more polite version from Chess, “your move”.
Again its futile to try to get anything deeper than that out of 6 voice buttons being spammed in the game. Just hear the line for what it is saying and try to derive any context it could be getting its stimulus to be clicked from. Beyond that I doubt there is anything of substance being expressed.
Bro is mad at emotes, LOL!
hhahaha when i first started… i swear the board is designed to help us deal with ropers. i wish my opponent could see me shooting arrow catapults…
Heaven forbid someone makes a sound in a game.