Why do nerfs take so long?

Construct Quarter, Horn of Winter, Unholy Frenzy (don’t know why that was buffed) and Goldshire Knoll needed a nerf like yesterday. Warlock has some problematic cards too, they’ll get noticed soon. Please, I love this game, but you guys take far too long to sort out balancing compared with other games. Gracias.

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It makes me believe that the devs think they would be admitting to how bad they are at designing cards and estimating their power level by frequently nerfing cards. When in reality it would show how much they care about their playerbase and their feedback.

I’m just making speculations. I don’t know the reason.

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They usually just wait till season rollover every month to make changes. Makes it so they don’t have to do a bunch of small changes throughout the month and can just change everything they need to at the end of the ranked season.

Found the new guy…

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Don’t touch Horn of Winter. It’s a Game of Thrones reference and shouldn’t be touched. Don’t bring the wall down.

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DK is a money machine for them right now. No chance in any changes for weeks.

Nerfing something that is part of their brand new product isn’t going to happen. You are stuck with this for at least a month. Why you people keep spending money on this game is beyond me. Just gluttons for punishment I guess.

Sales > Your Experience

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They don’t really take to long for cards to get nerfed. I feel there are some pretty good answers to most of the stuff with a few exceptions from time to time like switcharoo and the current rouge irk from hand on turn 6, but for the most part players need to be given the time and chance to figure what counters and have a chance to play what is sometimes broken, as much as it can suck going against it, they all have their time to shine.

If you look at the historical roll outs of nerfs they are usually released on a similar timeline as previous years.

Because it’s not the shop so it’s not a priority - should see how quick they are to fix stuff there


mobile …it takes time to get a patch out for mobile devices

Where did you get the idea that I spent money on the game? Haven’t spent money on so much as a pack in years.

Unless you’re speaking in general terms, then fair enough. Although, I don’t have anything against the whales personally, as they keep the game running.

Bruh, you missed the last 8 years

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Yes because Demon Hunter never got nerfed when it was new.

Pretty soon we’ll get the new expansion announcement and the free pre release neutral legendary that we always get. I’ll eat my hat if DK isn’t nerfed then at the latest.

I was speaking in generalities, not directed at anyone in particular.

Should see how quick they are to fix anything where the player gets free stuff unintended. They can fix that in a matter of hours, anything where their design is clearly broken and tied to a new release that they are trying to sell? That takes at least a month.


i haven’t played against anything BUT death knights for the entire day. its mindnumbing.

Which other games?

What’s the timeframe for nerfs after releasing new content?

If all you want is to take cheap shots at Blizzard, can you specify? I mean even a blind goat can see we need balance.

Or do you actually want to understand the process?

Cheap shots it is, then.

Did you watch the video? The one I sent you?

You really want to screw over people with crunch over a dumb game?

i never played a game which dont get a fix right away when a bug gives free stuff on a game like this one

is completely normal

Nerfs take so long because objective balance measurements are considered irrelevant and it’s difficult to measure community hatred.

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